Prologue: Betrayed

7 0 0

3rd Person

The van flies down the Highway at 90mph. Everyone in the van unphased by the relentless shaking. Every agent in the van has been set a specific task, and they are focused on making sure it is done. Suddenly the van comes to a halt, and a bang is heard from the front of the van. Signalling that they have arrived, everyone starts to funnel out of the van, guns in hand.

Julia - "Ikari, you take the lead."

Ikari - "Yes Ma'am"

Ikari steps to the front and approaches the door. After Julia gives off the signal, Ikari kicks down the door and runs in with agents following him. Once in, it is revealed that the warehouse is empty.

Ikari - "Wait what? Were we to late?"

Suddenly, Ikari feels a barrel hit the back of his neck. He freezes in place.

Agent 1 - "Drop the gun, now!"

Ikari slowly lowers down and places his pistol on the ground. He is then pushed forwards into the middle of the warehouse.

Ikari - "what is happening?"

Julia - "Did you really think we would know that you were the rogue agent?"

Ikari - "No, not really. You higher-ups aren't the smartest."

Julia - "You're the one that has been leaking our Intel to the other agency's"

Ikari scoffs and turns to face Julia with his hands up.

Ikari - "So you brought me here to kill me, huh?"

Julia - "You are too powerful to apprehend, so yes, they will kill you. And even if you do escape, the entire agency is looking for you."

Ikari - "There is a problem with that plan"

Julia - "And that is?"

Ikari - "You only brought five people, you'll need more than that"


Ikari's pov

I turn around and grab the Agent's gun and shoot him before anyone can react. Then, I roll towards cover and shoot another agent while doing so.

Julia - "Ikari, just give up. There is no way you can escape."

Ikari - "You know damn well that you can't kill me even if you tried. I'm the best you have!"

I quickly change positions before I get caught.

Julia - "Just surrender and let us take you in, I promise we won't hurt you"

Ikari - "That's a god damn lie and you know it!"

I quickly notice that one is creeping up on me, so I pull out my pocket knife and slit his throat before he can react.

Julia - "You can't run forever!"

Ikari - "I don't have to run forever, just until you get tired."

I quickly notice the door we came in is unguarded. So I cause a distraction and run for it. Quickly, the agents start shooting at me as I run but I make it out unharmed.

I quickly shut the door and block it with a wooden pallet lent up against the wall. I then run and hop over a barred fence and run away from the warehouse. I  hop onto a cargo train as it sets off from a nearby cargo centre, and leave the city, knowing that I can never go back.

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