CUPID [ 01 ]

655 21 9

The boy plopped himself on the bed, letting his body rest against the soft mattress as a sigh escaped his lips.

Today was a really tiring day.

And not to mention, the worst day too.

His hands rummaged through his blazer pockets, searching for his phone. Whipping out the device, he opened the groupchat with a heavy feeling burdening his heart.

Zero Fucks Given



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Who's that?

My girlfriend😎

So how long is this one going to last?

I bet on my left toenail it's going to be 3 days.

Ricky you should stop playing with these girls

Taerae hyung...

I'm here.

Why are you mentioning me?

Anyways congratulations for being official, Ricky.

I hope you guys break up as soon as possible|

I hope you guys break up|

I hope yo|


Taerae tossed his phone to the side as he still laid there, eyes sticked to the ceiling. The ceiling definitely have nothing interesting to deserve being stared at, just like how his love life is.

The girl that he have a crush on since he was in eight grade, Kim Haseul is now officially dating the guy that most of the girls were going crazy over.

Ricky, even from the name everyone could tell how charming the individual is. Compared to Taerae, he preferred to be in the crowd, not really fond of the attention that goes towards him like Ricky does. Ricky is almost like a magnet, pulling everyone into his trap using his charms with such an ease.

Even if they're friends, Taerae eventually starting to grow sick of his friend's unusual tendency of playing with girl's heart. But for the sake of their friendship, he wouldn't dare to say it out loud.

Not even when Haseul is out there being Ricky's next target.

Burying his face into the pillow to muffle his groans, his feet kicked up in the air as a way to let out his frustration that has been pent up within the day.

"Why am I such a coward?" he muttered, slowly starting to regret for hiding all these time.

Maybe, just maybe, if he had put some effort in trying to get close to Haseul before, then maybe his love life wouldn't be as pathetic as it is right now.

He tried to get the thoughts off his head as he reached out for his towel before heading to the bathroom. Crying his heart out under the pouring shower might be the best solution for now.


Splashing the water onto his face one last time, he rested both of his palms on the sink to support the weight. There's only silence. Nothing other than the sound of the drops of water trickling down from his features into the sink.

If you asked him,

did he cried in the shower?

Well, yes he did.

But hey, there's nothing wrong with a man crying over his crush dating someone else. If you were in his place, you would too.

He lifted his head up to look into the mirror. He better not see any puffiness in his eyes or else he won't be able to go downstairs to have a dinner with his family.

As he checked his face in the mirror, he noticed something odd in the reflection.

A girl.

In the reflection, there was a girl with long, black hair covering half of her face stood right behind him. Her whole attire was white. The sight was not much of a difference than a jumpscare scene that he always see in those horror movies.

Never in his life he thought he's going to experience the same-worse, it's actually real.

He was about to scream, but somehow his voice was stuck in his throat, resulting him to let his mouth open agaped, unable to produce any kind of sound.

His heart was stammering out of fear when the unknown girl who out of nowhere appeared in his bathroom decided to take a step closer to him. He automatically took a step backwards in attempt to increase the distance between them.

At the moment, he could only pray to God to secure his safety from whatever the creature that was currently trying to get to him.

"W-Who are you? What do you want from me?!" Taerae could finally voice out. He tried not to show his fear towards the girl, but it was too obvious seeing how his lips quivered and how he was protecting himself with both of his arms being held up.

The long haired girl was still silent, making Taerae almost cry right here and there. He wanted to dash out of the bathroom, if it weren't for the girl blocking the way.

"G-Get away from me, you satan!"

A scoff could be heard, "How rude of you to be calling a goddess like me, a satan?"

"Huh?" his brows knitted together upon hearing the response.

The said girl then tuck the strands of her dark colored hair behind her ear, finally being able to clearly see the flabbergasted boy. Both of their eyes met for a few seconds before her eyes trailed down to his toned abdomen.

"Forgive me for looking, but you might want to put some shirts on"

CUPID | ZB1 김TAERAEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя