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"No young man or woman, no matter how great, can know their destiny"

Deep within the mountain range a young girl and boy walk upon a sandy path over a bitter grass hill.

"They cannot glimpse their part in the great story that is about to unfold"

The two of them past a man riding a horse. The young boy gives him a small nod while the girl gives a small wave and a smile.

"Like everyone they must live and learn"

They push the branches away from their faces as they hike up another hill.

"And so it will be for the young warlock and witch arriving at the gates of Camelot"

They finally get to the top and out of the woods. But then the girl suddenly trips on
her skirt causing her to fall flat on her stomach. The young boy only laughs at his sister's clumsiness to which the girl quickly gets up and smacks him in the arm annoyed.

"A boy and girl who will in time, raise a legend"

"Ow" the boy moaned but his sister only rolled her eyes and carried on walking.

"Their names; Merlin and (y/n)"

The warlock and witch siblings Where stories live. Discover now