Valiant (p2)

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You observed Gaius as he wiped a bit of the anti-venom on the knight's lips. He soon woke up and you took a breath of relief.
"Welcome back my friend" Gaius greets him. "There was a snake coming out of the shield" the knight told you both in a croaky voice.

"Shh, it's alright; we know" you hushed him when he tried to sit up. "You are week, the snakes venom is still in your system" Gaius tells him.
"I have to warn Arthur" the knight protests. "My brother has already done so" you say. "Arthur has requested a meeting with Uthur to which you will be required" Gaius explains.

"For now you should just rest" you tell the knight. He nods understandably and rests his head back on the pillow. You and Gaius then leave the bed side.
"We'll be back soon we're just going to get more herbs" Gaius calls back to him. "Shouldn't I say here and look after him?" you ask Gaius. "No, remember what I said about not letting you out of my sight" Gaius reminds you.

Time skip

"Are you sure I shouldn't be in the court room. I mean I saw the snakes too" you proclaim when you and Gaius made it back to his quarters. "No! The real evidence that will solve this is that knight's word not yours" Gaius exclaims.
You didn't want to argue anymore and instead just helped Gaius make the medicine.

Once Gaius had nearly finished you when to check on the knight. But you froze in place when you noticed how still he is.
"Gaius!" you sputter. He then saw it and went to check on his pulse.

Gaius's face fell and his hand rested on the knight's neck. "He's dead" Gaius confirms your fears. Your breath caught in your throat.
Both of you had a moments of silence. "We need to tell Merlin" you then said.
Gaius nodded silently and you both left to tell your brother the unfortunate news.

Small time skip

You and Gaius quietly snuck into the court room without being noticed. "Merlin" Gaius whispered grabbing your brother's attention.
He then walked over to you both. "Hey how's he doing cause we could really need him right about now?" asks Merlin.

You and Gaius only exchange a sad and awkward glance. "What is it?" Merlin questions. "He's dead" you both tell him.
"What!" Merlin gasps quietly. "I suspect that the antidote didn't work in time" Gaius tells him.

Arthur then walks up to you all. "Where is our witness?" he demands in whisper. None of you said anything for a second.
"He's dead" Merlin tells him. "I'm waiting!" Uther bellows. Once again none of you said anything. Both scared on how to tell him.

"My lord; I'm afraid he is dead" Arthur tells him hesitantly. "So you have no proof to support these allegations" the king criticised. "No but my servant-" Arthur tries to protest. "Your servant!" Uther interrupts him. "You make these outrageous accusations based off the word of your servant!".

"I believe he is telling the truth" Arthur argues. "My lord am I really to be judged on some hear-say from a boy" Valiant states.
"I've seen those snakes come alive!" Merlin storms up to him. "I've seen them too, I was there!" you add.

"How dare you both interrupt!" the king growls. "Guards!" he orders them to grab you and Merlin.
But before they could drag you both out of the room Valiant gets the king to stop them. "I'm sure they must have just been mistaken. I wouldn't want them punished on my account" Valiant tells the king.

"You see; this is how a true night behaves" Urther criticises Arthur. "My lord if your son made these accusations cause he's afraid to fight me I will graciously accept his withdraw" says Valiant.
"Is that what this is about?" the king asks his son. "No!" Arthur denies. "Then what am I to make of these accusations?!" he asks again sternly.

A moment of silence fell across the room. "Obviously there has been some misunderstanding" Arthur sighs. "I will withdraw these allegations so please accept my apology Valiant" Arthur apologies to Valiant. "I accept it" Valiant replies.
Arthur then leaves the room embarrassed. The guards then let go of you and Merlin. You then looked towards Gwen and Lady Morgana. They were staring at you and Merlin while shock and confusion. You gave them a sad look before following your brother to catch up with Arthur.

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