The poisoned Chalice (p2)

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"Arthur, no, it's a trap" you mumble before stuttering out more magic words. Merlin was growing increasingly worried, not just for you but for Arthur. His destiny was to protect him and he had ditched that for you. If Arthur died you would died to, and Merlin felt like that would be all his fault.

"There they are!"

"Stay away from the ledge I'll be alright"

*Magic incantation*




"I expected so much more"


"The last face you'll ever see!"

*Scuttle, scuttle*

"Oh, looks like we have some company"



"Very good; but it won't be the last"

"I'll let them finish you off, it's not your destiny to die at my hand"


"Arthur, it's too dark" you mumble as sweat begins pouring down your face. "She knows what's happening to him" Merlin realises. Just then a blue light began to illuminate their faces.
Merlin lifts off the blanket where the scorce of the light was. "Gaius!" he gasps as they lay their eyes on a bright blue orb of light that rests in your hand. "What is she doing?" Gaius asks confused. "I think she's saving Arthur" Merlin tells him.

Time skip (I got lazy here)

Arthur galloped on his horse at the speed of light until he reached the gates of the Camelot castle where he was stopped. "What are you doing? Let me past!" Arthur bellows. "Sorry sire, you're under arrest by orders of the King" one of the guards reply while drawing out his sword.

"You disobeyed me!" Uther scolds as he stood in the entrance of the cell that Arthur was in. "Of course I did, a girl's life is at stake, do not let her die because of what I did!" Arthur begs.
"Why do you care so much about this servant girl?" Urther asks him. "Cause she saw someone she loved about to be put into danger and took the danger herself without hesitation, she deserves to live" Arthur argues.

"There's more, there was a woman at the caves and she knew I was there for the flower. I don't think it was Bayard who tried to poison me" he informs. "Of course it was" Uther denies.
Arthur then digs into a pouch on his belt and pulls out the flower. "Gaius knows what to do with this" he hand it to Uther. "Punish me for however long you want, just make sure it gets to him" he begs.

Uther stares at the flower in his hand before crushing it in his grasp. "No!" Arthur gasps, but it was too late.
"You have to learn there's a right and a wrong way of doing things" Uther says sternly before walking out of the cell. "Morgana can cope once again with one maid, and you can be able to fall in love with a girl from a more suitable class" Uther then disappears.

Time skip

"Has Arthur got the flower?" Gaius asks as Gwen walks into the room. "I don't know, Uther won't let anyone see him" she tells him. You groan in discomfort, showing that you didn't have long left.
"There has to be something we can do!?" Merlin exclaims nearly on the verge of tears. "Only the leaf of the Mortius flower can save him" Gaius states.

"We have to find out if Gaius has it, I could sneak into the dungeon" Gwen suggests. "That will be very dangerous" Gaius tells her. "I've got to, (y/n) will die if I don't" she says.
They watch you in concern as you gasp of air through your swollen lungs. "Be careful" Gaius says, giving permission for Gwen to leave. Merlin wanted to go with her but with the grip that you had on his hand, and seeing you in such discomfort he couldn't bring himself away from your side.

Time skip

Gwen then returns to Gaius's chamber with the Mortius flower. "Her fever is much worse, we have to hurry" Gaius says as he immediately starts working on the cure.
But then as soon as he finishes he pauses. "Why have you stopped?" Merlin asks him. "Gwen, go fetch me some more fresh water, she needs it" Gaius tells her.

As soon as she leaves he looks back at Merlin. "What's wrong?" Merlin asks knowing something else was going on. "The poison was created using magic, we will need magic to create an antidote" Gaius explains.
Immediately understanding what he needs to do next, Merlin gets up and takes the mixing bowl from Gaius. He then chanting the magic words and the mixture begins to bubble.

By the time he had finished Gwen had returned. She hands the fresh water over to Gaius and he adds a few drops to the mixture.
Merlin and Gwen then return to your side as Gaius finishes the antidote.
"Hold her noise" he then instructs. Merlin then pinches your nose while Gaius pores the potion down your throat. They all hold their breath as they wait for something to happen until-

"She's stopped breathing!" Gwen notices. "No, (y/n)" Merlin gasps. "Her pulse is gone" Gaius says sadly. "She's dead" Gwen says barely above a whisper. "No, no, she can't be" Merlin sob. "W-we p-promised our m-mother we'd l-look after e-each other" he weeps as he hugs your body close. "ITS MY FAULT!" he screams. "I SHOULD HAVE DONE MORE TO HELP HER!".

Gwen and Gaius hug onto each other, their crying could barely be heard over Merlin's loud sobs.
You were really gone!


"Merlin your getting your tears on my new dress"

They all snap your heads towards you in shock. You were awake!

"(Y/n)!" Gaius gasps amazed. "Your alive!" Gwen says happily. "No I'm the ghost come back to haunt you from the dead" you laugh. Merlin suddenly pulls you in for a tight hug, still crying just as loudly.
"I thought I lost you" he cries happily. "I'm okay" you hug him back.

You then look up at Gaius and regret fills your heart. "I'm sorry" you apologise. "For what?" Gwen asks confused. "I know I promised I would never do something like that again" the whole room then fell silent.
"I just couldn't stop myself, I hadn't ever fully grasp what I had done until it was to late" you explain.

"I know you want to help, but if you my life put in danger again just let me handle it first" Merlin begs. "This time, I promise I will be more cautious" you say sincerely, and you were really going to try and keep it this time.

Time skip

You were eating supper with your brother, s blanket carefully draped over your shoulders. Merlin looks up from his plate as someone then steps into Gaius's quarters.
"Arthur" he says happily as you turn around to face him. "Just came to check and see how you're doing" Arthur looks at you. "Much better now, thank you" you tell him. "We have you to thank for that" Merlin adds.

"Merlin I expect you to be back to work tomorrow" Arthur then tells him. "O-of course" Merlin replies. "(Y/n) I'm sure Morgana would want you to take your time while you're recovering" Arthur says to you. "Thank you, but I'm sure I'll be able to work tomorrow as well" you tell him.

After Arthur left Merlin started asking more questions about the witch that poisoned the drink. "She knew that Merlin would be forced to drink that wine, it was Merlin she wanted to kill. But she didn't know that (y/n) would drink it instead" Gaius explains.
"It seems someone else knows your destined for great things Merlin" he says to your brother. "And (y/n), if she didn't know about you before she certainly knows about you now" he tells you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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