The Dragon Call (p1)

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"We're here Merlin" you told your brother as you both stop at the kingdom you had both journeyed to reach. "Camelot" you marvel at the beautiful castle that stood proud over the town.
"Come on" your brother chuckled as the two of you walked on. You had reached Camelot, but you couldn't stop and rest yet.

Time skip

It didn't take you and Merlin to long to find the castle entrance. Although you two stopping to admire every little detail of every shop, house and alley you saw was certainly no help.

You took in the beauty and structure of the castle as you both walked over the bridge and into the courtyard. The sound of horns and drums filled your ears as soon as you both stepped past the walls.
That's when you notice the large crowd gathering in the centre of the courtyard.

Being the curious soles you and your brother are, you both join the crowd to see whats happening.
That's when you saw two guards escorting a man to a wooden stage that the crowd was surrounding.
"Let this serve as a lesson to all" everyone turned their heads to the source of the voice.

King Uther.

"This man; Thomas James Collins, is adept guilty of conspiracy to use enchantments and magic" the king declares to his subjects.

It was then that you understood what was going to happen.

"And pursue to the laws of Camelot, I Uther Pendragon, have decree that such practices are banned; on penalty of death".
"I pride myself as a fair and just king; but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass". The king's serious tone never left his voice.

Pain and sorrow filled your chest as you watch the man forced into his knees on the stage.
"I don't have to watch this" you sighed in frustration, pushing past your brother and the crowd.

Merlin watched you leave in concern. However he did not try to stop you cause he knew you would hate to have to watch this. He knew where you would be heading so he didn't need to be all that worried.

You walked as fast as you can to get away from their without anyone really noticing.
Your (e/c) eyes land on two guards in a nearby hallway. You made your way towards them while trying uphold a straight face.

"Where might I find Gaius the court physician?" you asked. "There" the guard replied, pointing to the stair case behind him. "Thank you" you politely bowed your head.
But just as you made your exit you flinched at what was clearly the sound of the axe being brought down on the man's head.

You set off in an almost jog, "the sooner I find Gaius the better" you thought to yourself.

Time skip

After a few more directions you finally came to a stairwell with a sign saying "Court Physician".
Which then lead you to the door of what you could only assume was the quarters of Gaius; where you and Merlin would be staying.

You knock on the door only to get no response. You knock again to which this time the door creeks open slightly. "Hello" you quietly call into the room.
Your (e/c) eyes cast around the room but you still couldn't see anyone inside.
So you let your self in, quietly closing the door behind you.

You weren't like your brother who would constantly forget to close the door behind him.

The room was full of different foods, poisons, herds, flowers and books that were scattered across desks and tables. "Hello" you call out again.
Still no response.

You explored the room further until you finally noticed a man upon a small shelf-like balcony. "Excuse me" you cleared your throat.
The man leant backwards to see who had entered his quarters. But suddenly the wooden railing he was leaning on snapped, causing the man to lose his balance.

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