The mark of Nimueh (p1)

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Before you started your first day as Morgana's second maid you went out with Merlin and Gaius to go to the market. Everything was normal until you all noticed a man lying on the ground motionless.
His skin was pale but you couldn't see his face. Out of concern you and Gaius crouched down to the man's side.

"Aren't either of you scared?" Merlin suddenly asks. "Of what?" Gaius questions. "That you might catch whatever it is" says Merlin. "I'm the court physician Merlin, this is a part of my job" Gaius replies.
He then turns to you. "Your job however is to be Lady Morgana's maid and I doubt you would to spend your first day by passing something onto her".

You took that as a hint and stepped back. "Though don't worry to much there isn't really anything to be scared of" Gaius says while turning the man over.
But then that's when you all saw his face. It was as white as a sheet; as were his eyes. Purple veins trailed along his face.

"You were saying?!" you broke the deathly silence that surrounded you both. "People mustn't see this, they'll panic" Gaius mumbles. "We need to find something to cover him up" you state.
Merlin then grabs a blanket off a clothing line and the three of you lay it on top of the dead man.

You then found a wheelbarrow large enough to fit the man in and you all pull/push him into the castle.
"What are you doing?" you hear a familiar cheerful voice behind you. You turn around to see your friend Gwen.

"Gwen! Er-um, we're-" you nervously stutter on your words. "We're just moving this" your brother quickly jumps in. "Looks heavy" Gwen tries to get a better look but you and Merlin block her view.
"Has someone brought you flowers?" Merlin asks trying to change the topic. "Oh no, no" Gwen replies.

"Are they for Lady Morgana then?" you then ask. "Yes I'm just on my way over to her quarters now" says Gwen. "Are you heading over there too?" she then asks you.
"Well I just got to help Gaius and Merlin with this first" you tell her. She nods understandingly.

An awkward silence then fell upon you three. "Would you both like one" she then held out a purple flower towards Merlin and a white flower towards you.
"Purple suits you" she then tells your brother. "B-but I'm not saying that red doesn't suit you" she then stammers. "And of course your flower suits you as well" then quickly tells you.

Merlin then places the flower between his scarf and his neck. While you tuck yours behind your ear. Gwen then smiles at him meanwhile you had a knowing smirk on your lips. "We'll see you soon" your brother bids her fair well.

Time skip

After you helped get the man into Gaius's chamber you had to leave. But just as you entered the hall you bumped into someone. That someone was no other than Prince Arthur.
"Sorry" you apologise. "It-it's all right" he stutters. "Did the prince just stutter?!" you thought to yourself.

"Have you seen Merlin by any chance?" he then asks you. "Yeah he's just helping Gaius with something in his chamber" you tell him. "Well he's late" he growls under his breath.
Speaking of which so were you! So quickly turn around to get going. "Nice flower by the the way" you hear him say. But as you turn back around he was already walking away.

Time skip

One hour later into your day Morgana's door suddenly flew open and the Arthur and a couple of guards strode in. "What is this about?" Morgana questions.
"A plague is beginning to spread through the city" Arthur tells her. "A plague!" Gwen gasps. "Yes and we believe that the source is witchcraft" says Arthur.

Your breath caught in your throat, you knew this plague had to be the same type of illness you saw in the dead man earlier that morning. "We're checking every house in the kingdom for any signs of sorcery" he declares while the guards search the room.
"And (y/n)" he then turns to you and you froze. "My father has requested that you and your brother are to be at Gaius's side until he can find a cure" he tells you. "A-alright" you try to hide the relief in your voice.

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