The Dragon Call (p2)

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You and your brother are currently on your way to the market. Gaius had asks you both to collect some ingredients for him.

Everything was fine until you saw a familiar face in the crowded street. It was Prince Arthur and his knights.
You kept your eyes down while walking past him. Hopefully he wouldn't notice you and Merlin.

"Hows the knee walking coming along".
"Agh, great" you mumbled. He had noticed you both. "Just keep walking" Merlin whispers to you.

"Aw don't run away" Arthur mocked. Merlin then stopped and let out a frustrated sigh. "Merlin doesn't" you hiss.
"From you" he replied bitterly, ignoring your warning.

"Thank god, I thought you were deaf as well as dum" the prince taunts. That comment made your blood boil. The only person who was allowed to call your brother dum was you.

"Listen I've already told you you're an ass I just didn't realise your were a royal one" Merlin remarks. Instead of scolding your brother this time you proudly smiled at his comeback.
"Oh what are you going to do get daddy's men to protect you?" he questions sarcastically. "Merlin doesn't push it" you said inside your head.

"You're seriously gonna let him speak to me like this" the prince then turns to you. You shrug nostalgically in response. "Well I'd let her slap you again" Merlin chuckles.

"You know I can take you out in one blow" he threatens Merlin. "I can take you out with less than that" Merlin smirks. "He's being to push it" you thought, growing more worried.

"Are you sure?" Arthur asked sarcastically. Then just like that Merlin angrily ripped his jacket off. "And he's pushed it" you sighed.
All the knights only laughed mockingly at him.

"Here you go big man" Arthur chuckles before tossing a chain and ball at Merlin. He tried to catch it but it clumsy slips through his hands instead.
You shake your head disapprovingly. Although you we're not fond of this you were curious to see how it would end.

"Come on then, I do warn you I have been trained to kill since birth" Arthur warns while swinging his own chain and ball above his head. "Merlin be careful" you whisper to him. He sent you a single glance telling you that he will be alright.
"Wow, and how long have you been training to be a prat" Merlin asks him sarcastically.

"You can't address me like that" Arthur states. "Sorry; how long have you been training to be a prat, my lord" your brother remarks. The prince chuckles in response before swinging his weapon at Merlin.

Luckily he quickly dodged and began to back away. Arthur and his knights then followed him. "Come on Merlin" he laughed.
You were now growing more concerned and wondered if this was a good idea after all.

Merlin try's to swing his weapon but I then gets caught in a hanging basket. You rested your head in your hand in embarrassment. Arthur then swung again but thankfully Merlin dodged again.
"This is bad" you thought. Merlin now didn't have a weapon, he's bound to get hurt.

Merlin continued to dodge his attacks but now he was on the ground and cornered by Arthur. You began to panic now. You ran towards them, frantically trying to think of what to do.
Just then you noticed a bunch of curved knives dangling behind Arthur. Thinking quickly, your eyes glowed gold and Arthur's weapon trapped itself on the blades.

This gave Merlin a chance to get up. He could tell what you did and gave you a nod as a thanks. Once Arthur freed his weapon he went to strike at Merlin again. But this time Merlin had the idea to use magic. You roughly saw his eyes glow gold for a second before a wooden box slid in front of Arthur.

"Owww" he cried in pain. Merlin then took this chance to hide behind a market stall. Prince Arthur walked around to try and find him but Merlin uses his magic to make him trip over a rope.
Once Arthur tripped over he dropped his weapon and Merlin grabs it. He starts swinging it around while Arthur steps backwards.

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