Valiant (p1)

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You were sitting in the kitchen area helping Gaius with some medical supplies. Your still running errands and helping him as you don't have a proper paid job yet.

Gaius had told you about an upcoming tournament that is going to be held in Camelot. You were apparently supposed to be his assistant for when that time comes.

You were cleaning out a test tube when your brother suddenly walked in. He was wearing lose pieces of armour. His hair was a mess and he looked exhausted.
"You look like you've been through hell" you laugh. Merlin gave you an unamused glare. "Do you hear clanging?" he then asks while patting his own head.

After removing the scratched armour pieces from Merlin. Gaius sat him down and gave him gentle shoulder massages.
"It was horrible, and I still got learn tournament etiquette by the morning" Merlin complains. "If you want I can give you a hand" you offered. "Thanks (y/n)" he smiled.

He then turns his attention to a book about armour at the end of the table. He mutters an enchanted spell and the book moves itself towards him.
"Hey!" Gaius slaps Merlin around the head. "What have I told you about using magic like this" he scolds.

"If I could actually feel my arms I'd pick up the book myself" Merlin remarks. "I could have just picked it up for you" you remind him. "She's right, plus what would I do if you or her got caught" he exclaims.
"What would you do?" Merlin asks curiously. "Just make sure it doesn't happen for all our sakes" Gaius sighs.

"I save Arthur's life and I get stuck as his servant, I hardly think that's fair" Merlin whines. "I don't think fairness comes into it" says Gaius. "Certainly doesn't" you scoff. "I mean I saved Arthur's life too but of course no one can know that cause I used magic, and yet Merlin, who didn't use magic, gets the reward" you rant.

"I can hardly call this a reward" Merlin argues. "You never know it might be fun" Gaius tells him. "I don't think I can call mucking out Arthur's stables fun" Merlin exclaims.
"Better than having no job at all" you mumble under your breath.
"We all have are duty Merlin, even Arthur" Gaius clarifies. "Oh yes it must be so hard for him" Merlin rolls his eyes. "Well he is the future King, so he is under a lot of pressure" Gaius explains. "That makes two of us" Merlin

"Yeah two, even though I'm a part of this destiny too" you grunted before heading to your own room. "What's wrong with her?" Merlin questions once he heard your door slam.
"Well if you really are both destined to protect Arthur, then you're already a step closer by being his servant. I believe she's wandering where she falls into this destiny" Gaius tells him.

"So your saying she's jealous of me?" Merlin questions. "Well she can't be to jealous, she works for me" Gaius states. "Do you pay her?" Merlin asks. "Well... no" Gaius replies. "Ah now I get it" Merlin remarks.

That comment earn him another smack around the head.

The next day

You had agreed to go to Gwen's house with your brother so he could learn more about armour etiquettes. Gwen was instructing him on where the armour pieces go while you watched.

After Merlin left you stayed behind with Gwen as you didn't really want to go back to the castle yet. "Can you believe Merlin became Arthur's servant after all he went through with him" Gwen chuckles. "I know lucky him" you laugh.

"Well I think it's good that we all work in the castle now, means we can see each other more often" she says. "Oh I don't work in the castle" you tell her.
"Oh really but I thought you were Gaius's assistant?" she questions. "No; I'm only running errands for him until I can find paid work of my own" you say. Gwen nods understandably.

Small time skip

You and Gwen talked all the way back to the castle getting to know each other better.
"So what's it like working for Lady Morgana" you ask her. "Oh it's a lovely job, she really is a wonderful lady" Gwen replies.
"So basically she's the opposite of Arthur" you remark. "Yeah, basically" she giggles. "Well she certainly sounds a lot more pleasant to be around".

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