The poisoned Chalice (p1)

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A/n: Hi, I know I haven't updated in a while. I just kinda lost motivation for this. But I'm back now.

"What's gotten you so happy?" Gaius asks amused as you stroll in with a big smile. "I was with Gwen this morning, she's given me this new dress, as a thank you for when I almost gave my life up for her" you showed him the dress that was neatly folded in your arms.
"Well that was very nice of her" Gaius replies with a smile. "I'm gonna wear it to the feast tonight" you tell him.

You hadn't noticed Merlin was in the room until he stood up. "Oh great, you get a nice new outfit that your friend brought you, meanwhile I have to wear this!" he complained as he showed you what he had to wear. It was a red robe that came with a red and green feathered hat.

You couldn't help but burst into laughter when you saw it. "You know what, I think that might actually suit you" you said in between laughter. Merlin only looked at you annoyed before walking away into his own room.

That night

(This is your outfit)

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(This is your outfit)

Even at the feast you had bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing at your brother's outfit. It seems even Gwen found it amusing.
"Nice hat" she compliments him. "Thanks"
Merlin laughs sarcastically.

But your smile then dropped when you saw your brother staring at this woman from the visiting kingdom. Something about her made you feel uneasy, similar to how you felt when you and Merlin met that witch when you first came to Camelot.

Merlin quickly takes of the feathered hat and straighten out his hair when she catches his glance. "She's pretty, for a handmaid" Gwen points out when she sees Merlin staring at her.
"Is she really!?" you mumble under your breath. You didn't know why but there was something about her you didn't trust.

You and Gwen then left Merlin to keep gawking at the lady. You could practically see the jealousy and sorrow radiating off Gwen.
You then paid attention to King Bayard's speech until you saw the lady Merlin was staring at began to walk up to him.
She looked like she was speaking to him but you couldn't tell what they were saying. You only grew even more suspicious when they both left together in the middle of the speech.

"Where are they going?" you quietly ask Gaius as he noticed them leaving as well. He shrugs in response and goes back to listening to the speech. You glared at the direction where they left, not liking this one bit.

Small time skip

"STOP! ITS POISONED" Merlin then yells as he runs back to the hall. Everyone stares at him shocked as he grabs the cup from Arthur.
"Merlin what are you doing?!" Arthur demands. "Bayard placed poison in Arthur's goblet!" your brother reveals to the crowd.
"This is an outrage!" Bayard bellows as he and his knights draw out their swords. "Tell your men to lower their swords, you are out numbered" Uther warns as the rest of the guards surround them.

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