White Rose

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"P-please! Don't take him away!" You held Martin close, surrounded by palace guards.

"Rules are rules, kid." A koopa pulled you away from the trembling toad. "Prisoners belong in their cells, and he's no acception." The other guards forced Martin up, and began to take him away

"Y/N!" He cried, reaching out to you.

"PLEASE! He doesn't deserve this! None of them do!" You pleaded in the guard's restraint.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" It ran through your ears nonstop. Martin tried to kick away, but it was no use. He was too small and weak, and couldn't possibly get away. You began to kick and scream, desperate to help him.

"Take him to the lava pit."

"PLEASE!! MARTIN!!" You yelled, voice cracking. It was all just happening too fast. And worse, you could do nothing to stop it. Once Martin was out of sight, the guard threw you to the ground.

"I'll see to it that Kamek tends to you."

As he told you this, tears burned your face as you sobbed for your only friend. The cold floor muffled your screams and hiccups. You'd tried so hard to help him escape. So hard to be his friend, but you failed. You failed him, and now, he would probably die alone in that awful prison. Tears blurring your vision, you gasped for air. He was alone again, and so were you.

~End Of Flashback/Dream~

You opened your eyes, shuddering at that awful memory. You despised these dreams, but they hadn't left you alone since you got here. Your heart thudded as Martin's cries replayed in your head. The fear and desperation in his voice struck at you. And who could forget your screams and sobs either. It still felt like it was only yesterday....

"You okay?" Surprised to see him awake, you turned to Luigi, who somehow had his hat back.

"I'm.. I'm fine. It was just some bad dreams." As you stood up, something caught your attention, distracting you from the memories. On the cage floor was a white rose, looking beautiful and delicate. After freezing for a moment, you picked it up, amazed of its beauty and presence.

"Wow... I haven't seen one of these in years.." You remarked, not taking your eyes off the gorgeous flower. You'd only ever seen one as a child, when Kamek brought one home for you after being gone for a few weeks. And even when it pricked your finger, you still loved it more than anything.

As the rose continued to captivate you, you heard Luigi chuckle softly. It'd been so long since you'd seen something so beautiful up close. And yet, here it was.. in a terrible place like this. You stared for what felt like forever, and the entire prison stayed silent.

"You never got out much, did you?"

You turned back to Luigi, holding the rose close to your chest.

"No... nothing grows in the Dark Lands anyway." You responded with a small smile. "Even then, I was always busy.."

You paused, knowing exactly where this was heading. Not again...

You couldn't get Kamek out of your head, and you had no idea why. You were dead to him, and it wasn't literal anymore. And if you weren't, why didn't he defend you? Why wasn't he here to help you?? That would never happen, and you knew it. He wasn't your family anymore...you were a traitor, and his enemy. Yet, thoughts of him still remained, and haunted you nonstop. In fact, it was almost just like Mar-

NO. No.. keep him out of this..

"...Learning magic?" Luigi finished for you. Snapping out of your daze, you looked back at him again.

A Curse Called Hope (Luigi x Reader) !!ON HOLD!!Where stories live. Discover now