Chapter 9

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"Hey, Y/N, sorry. I didn't mean to- hey, where are you?" Takeshi looked around, seeing nothing.

"Huh, she must have left. That was embarrassing. I didn't mean to be right under her when she tripped." He continued to the cafeteria.

But, nope, I was right there. On the floor. But I wasn't exactly me.

I was an animal.

It took me a little while to realize what had just happened and I was buried in a t-shirt and skinny jeans. Ones that I had just been wearing not seconds ago.

"What the hell?" I said to myself, getting up. But I didn't get very up. Just a few inches from the ground. I nuzzled out of the clothes and stood up straight.

"I- what the ------- is going on?" I swore, stretching my legs and arms. I looked behind me and froze up, not believing this.

A tail swished around in the open air behind me.

I'm a cat? What?

"Crap crap crap, gotta find Kyo." This had to be a dream. I would wake up in my comfy bed at Shigure's house, right?

This was too real to be a dream.

Kyo was always the last to get to lunch, because his locker was pretty far away, so he was the last one walking around on the bottom floor.

I'm so glad it was only him.

"What the- oh no, not cats. Hold on, is that a-" Kyo bent down, looking at me.

I had grabbed my clothes between my teeth and was trotting over to Kyo.

"Could it possibly be that this is a zod-"

"KYO! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?" I shouted from way down on the ground.

"Y/N? You're a zodiac animal now? What the hell happened?" Kyo sat on the ground next to me, his jaw dropping.

"I don't know, first I was walking down the stairs and I tripped and fell on this guy and now, well, I'm confused." I explained.

"We've gotta get you back to Shigure." Kyo picked me up and started running.

"What if I transform back on the way?"

"----, I hope to god that won't happen."

He ran all the way home with a H/C cat in his arms.

At least we made it home before anything happened.

"Kyo, why did you bring a cat home? Why aren't you at school?" Shigure asked, looking up from his newspaper.

"This is not," Kyo gasped, exhausted from running. "An ordinary cat."

"What do you mea-"

"Shigure! How's it going? I'm really confused and actually quite short right now, so I need some help." I said. Kyo put me on the ground.

Suddenly, I got this weird lurching feeling in my stomach.

"Crap, gotta go." I said, going as fast as felines can up the stairs.

I hate stairs.

I made it up the stairs and into the hallway before I transformed back into the body that I knew so well.

And I was naked. I darted into my room, quickly pulling on clothes.

Hey, at least nobody saw me.

My body felt exhausted.

Shigure had gotten up from his usual spot and was standing up by the stairs. Kyo was lying on the ground, panting. It must have been hard to run all the way home.

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