Chapter 12

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Akito left me with more questions than I had previously. I sat down right on the ground, feeling dizzy and scared. The floor seemed to swirl around like a carousel. I blinked.

Without help, I was going to die. And the curse-

The curse can't be broken.

I put my head in my hands. I was too shocked to cry. Not only that, but I was also dehydrated from walking so far without stopping.

This felt like a dream. I'm sure all of this is a dream. It couldn't possibly be true. I couldn't have become a zodiac. And the cat of the zodiac. It has to be a dream.

Shigure and Hatori rushed back in, worried. They freaked when they saw me on the ground. But I couldn't help it, I was so surprised and scared my knees had been knocking together.

"Y/N, are you alright? Y/N?" They got down closer to me.

I had no choice but to look up and answer.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I crossed my legs, who both still felt like they were in an antigravity chamber.

"He didn't hurt you?" Hatori clarified. I shook my head and looked back at the ground.

"No, I'm fine." I shakily stood up, rubbing my temples and closing my eyes. They looked really worried over my upset state. I could tell that they didn't believe that Akito didn't hurt me, even though I was telling the truth.

"I'm tired. I'm going to bed." I said, excusing myself from the situation.

"Wait, Y/N." Shigure said. I turned around.

"Where have you been all night? Everyone was really worried about you." He said. I felt guilty about that, but at the time, it felt like the only thing I could do without going insane.

"I don't know. I was just walking around." I said. Then I walked back to my bed and collapsed.

But I didn't fall asleep.

I laid there worrying about what Akito had said. If what he said was true, then I don't have much time to try and figure things out. Before I can't.

Am I going to have to do this alone? I promised Kyo that I would break the curse. But it seems now like I've bitten off more than I can chew.

And besides, who would help me with something that's impossible?

I can't give up hope now. I have to do this. It's not an option.

Even though I have no leads, no truth, and no explanation, I still have to get this done.

I guess I'll have to start with the only person I know of that knows enough about the curse to help me.

Which is Hatori.

I feel like the curse was just kind of pushed onto Kyo and the others. They seemed to accept the truth without knowing the truth. As if, ever since they were little, they were told that something was wrong with them. They were told that they were different, and that difference was bad. They were given limitations, a line to never cross.

I didn't know what to do in my bedroom, so I went downstairs to find some water or food, since I was starving. I wonder if Hatori has left already. I'm guessing that he has, due to the silence of the house. I can see Shigure's form out on the porch.

I grabbed a bottle of water and some food, and went back to my room.

When I was done eating, I pulled an orange notebook out of my bookcase. It was empty. I grabbed a slightly stubby pencil with a half used eraser and began to jot things down.

1: Locate Hatori and get answers.
What is the origin of the curse?
Why does it affect me and the Sohmas?
How do I break it?

That was all I could write down, since I had only discovered the beginning of the maze I'll have to conquer.

This is a huge job. And I don't know if I'll ever figure it all out before I can't anymore.

But I still have to try, don't I?

I laid down in my bed, thinking, for a long time. A few hours. I couldn't stand to do anything else, like check my phone or even go to school.

Will I have time to go to school while I'm breaking the Sohma curse? How long will the process take? Are there steps, levels to beat? There's a time, a stopwatch ticking off the seconds until my demise.

And here I was, laying in my bed doing nothing. I feel like I've opened the next chapter into my life. The last one was full of kittens and kisses and happiness, and this one is just dark. After my mom, and moving, and now this-

I truly feel as if I'm being tested. As if the entire mood, the entire theme of my life has shifted into sadness and loneliness.

I climbed out of my bed and paced across my room, stopping at the mirror. The girl that looked back at me didn't really feel like me anymore. Her eyes had dark ovals resting beneath them, her eyes didn't shine as bright anymore. Her lips didn't pull up in that half smile her boyfriend loved so much. Sure, the hair color and eye color were the same, but it seemed that nothing else was.

She seemed older, more experienced. As if she aged a week every day.

I saw myself with different eyes. I saw everything with different eyes.

And right now, more than ever, I longed to be back in the past. It's always cloudy, except for when you look into the past. The rain cloud seemed to dissipate, but only behind me, where I could never go back.

I missed my mom. And my house. And my cat. And everything that had been unfairly taken away from me. My dad, moving away from America.

What an amazing life I could have led if I was born normal.

Suddenly, some color outside my window caught my eye. I gazed out, and saw that Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo had returned home from school.

The door opened and closed, and worried voices ensued.

"Is she back?"

"Is she okay?"

"She's back, but I would suggest you leave her alone. She's probably sleeping, and she had a hard day."

"Oh! What a relief!" Someone sighed. More doors opened and closed, and the worried voices ceased.

But only if they all really knew what I was going through.

Footsteps grew closer, and I quickly pulled open the covers and flew into bed, squeezing my eyes shut in a mock position of sleeping.

Sure enough, my door opened, but gently and hushed. Just a crack.

I opened my eyes a tiny bit and saw orange. Then my door closed again.

My eyes stayed shut. I really was exhausted. And I fell asleep, but not in a relaxed way at all.

A/N: It has been SOO LONG! And I would like to blame it on the fact that I have other stories to update, but I feel as though that really isn't the reason at all. If I'm truthful to myself, the fact is that I've been purposefully avoiding this story. My level of plot progression for this story is rising at an alarming pace(which, to put it in English, it's getting harder to write because the plot gets more advanced), so it takes longer for me to find ideas. And post.

And I'm sorry.

Kyo: aw quit ur whining u stupid baby

Me: *punches Kyo square in the face* I CAN BE EMOTIONAL WHEN I WANT TO YOU STUPID BUTT!!!

Shigure: *perverted eyebrow wiggling*

And I suppose this concludes this chapter. And I swear I'm trying my best to update regularly, and it really DOES HELP to comment on my story. That gets me a lot more motivated, so make sure you tell me when it's been long enough between updates.

Ok bye bitchbabyz

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