Gone wrong-13

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" Baby answer me." I pushed jimin to the wall kissing his neck. " Jungkook, I did answer you. I said to spend your day off well I need to go do my mission The council gave to me." I waved him off. " I should go see father. "

Just to see what is going on " Ok my love I'm off you sure you don't need something right now." 

Putting my hands on his ass grabbing them cause him blush. I pushed my waist onto his feelings our members collide. " Are you sure." Jimin pushed his arms up moving me back. " I'm sure now go I have a mission." I lean down as he kissed me. Walking off.  

I moved back trying to speak quickly and quietly into my watch. " Father I'm on the way. What should I do know. How can I distract Jimin. I jumped hearing a voice next to me" distracted jimin for what jungkook." I look up quickly giggling. 

" Hello taehyung, i mean distract Jimin because I want to make our date night sexy so distract him, so he won't see it coming. Taehyung made an Oh face and walked off. 

Taehyung pov

I really should pay more attention to Jungkook. Him talking to his watch is throwing me off. I looked back seeing him watching jimin and quickly leaving. It could be a date.

 Making my way to the file room. I came across the Security guard. " Mr. Yang i need to get in there." He looked at me before letting me past. " Go ahead Taesnuggly." I quickly turned around. " Mr. yang come on we talked about this I'm not five anymore." 

He laughed" you will always be five in my eyes." I couldn't help but to smile. " Do you still have the bear I brought you." I nodded. " I knew you would. Well agent 14 you can go ahead." I thank him going in.  

I quick went to j looking for Jungkook's file. I paused " his last is c. Dam" I went to the c cabinet I opened it quickly flipping files. " There it is Choi. I decided to open it just to take a look.

Choi Jungkook agent 97 started three years ago. " I didn't know dad had a want to be agents club before going to through the training. But why the hell he just fucking shows up. I probably just didn't Acknowledge he was there. Maybe I'm just losing my mind.

 I got fucking nothing he doesn't even have parents. I read on the paper. He parents Abandoned him. I put everything back thinking I should've minded my business. I walked out. But why is he always talking to his watch. Something not right. I think I should talk to jimin. 

Jungkook pov

I turned my head back Making sure wasn't followed. I can't fail the mission, even though I want to. My dad has been my hero my entire life. Until I realized that he was the villain. But for some reason I can't disappoint him. Because he's, my dad. He's shown so much love for me but then I look at Jimin. Every time I look into his eyes, he makes me feel like home. So that's so easy huh? How can I disrespect him? And I love him. You must be thinking I'm crazy to love at the earliest part of our relationship. But he's like a drug me and I can't get enough. How can I disappoint Jimin and my dad?

I arrived at dads Organization to see him. Walking up i was of course didn't need to go through security to make sure I'm supposed to be in. I walked right into his room to a screaming match.

" You don't get to tell me what to do with my son!!" My father screamed at grandpa which made him stand.

" He needs to be on better mission. He should be out there killing not playing gay. You sick fuck.!"

" Oh, I'm fucking sick. I don't want my son killed unlike you."

"All I ever did was tried to be a father, but I couldn't because-  

" Because what dad? Your father huh you let him ruin your family, you, mom, and me and I will never do what I was forced to do with Jungkook." 

" jeongin i was A victim as well -

"He will never be rape, he will never harm himself for his grandfather pleasure, he-

"jeongin enough" I look towards grandpa now shedding tears. I never seen him cry. 

" I still hate you. You will - Jungkook. Why are you here. 

I quickly hug him letting him know I here for him. " I wanted to see you. I wanted to talk about the mission. I looked back to see grandpa left. How did he leave so quickly. Dad sat in his chair. Acting like nothing had happened.

" Ahh so Jungkook my boy are you close."

" Dad if I do this, he won't be with me."

Dad pointed toward the door. " Come back to me when you are done with the mission. So, leave." I bowed getting up. 

" Yes father. " 

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