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The air still has a light mist lingering from the recent storm. I walk in my worn out chucks on the sidewalk with the rain still fresh on the pavement to my house. My backpack hangs off my shoulders and my hands are in my hoodie pockets.

As I pass the park, I see a teenage boy that I know of quite well. Luke Hemmings. He's trouble. His middle name has to be trouble. He intimidates everyone. There are rumors that he's been to jail and insane asylums. I've been told that he killed his own mother. I'm surprised he is still around here. No one dares to talk to him or breath the same air as him. I speed walk past the park and I shiver at the thought of him watching me.

When I pass, I feel a wash of relief over me. I decide to speed walk in case he does decide to follow me for some reason. I'm the type to because paranoid easily.

When my feet take me faster than I expected, I'm not paying attention and all of the sudden I bump into something.. well, someone. Immediately a "sorry" escapes from my lips and I look up to see Calum Hood, the boy that my best friend, Alexis, happens to have a massive crush on since elementary school. I've been trying to get her to ask him to the Girl's Choice Dance, but she is way too nervous.

"That's fine." He laughs as he steadies me. I turn around back to my way home but then I stop suddenly. I immediately get the idea that could either make Alexis hate me or love me. I bite my lip and call for Calum to come back to me.


"Do you happen to have a date to the dance yet?" I ask, knowing that he probably has the idea that I am going to ask him.

He shakes his head and lifts his eyebrow.

"Well, I know a girl who would love to go with you." I smile.

His face shows that that's not the response he was expecting, but he doesn't seem too disappointed.

"Oh yeah? Who's that?" he questions.

"Alexis Lance." I say, knowing there is no turning back now. She's going to hate me. Oh god, she is going to hate me. She would have never done it though. This is the boy of her dreams, she'll thank me later.

"Lexi?" He seems surprised. I could've sworn that I saw a slight blush wash across his face. He twiddles his fingers and then looks back up.

"She will have to ask me for herself." He smiles. "I would ask her, but since it the girl's choice and all..."

"Really! Will you really go with her?!" I pop up in excitement. She is going to die when she hears this news.

"Yeah." Calum chuckles. "But if she asks me for herself."

"Okay!" I say, my voice filled with excitement. "You don't know how much this will mean to her. You just made her life." I admit.

He laughs and I don't let him say another word before I'm darting to her house. I don't look both ways when I cross the street. I pass strangers, making some people yell at me. But I keep running.

When I reach her house, I open her bedroom window and jump right in. I pretty much live here, so it's normal. She's sitting on her bed painting her toenails.

"Hey Sexy Lexi." I greet her with the nickname I gave her in 8th grade.

"Sup skank." She says, not taking her eyes off her toes.

"I have a little news for you." I say, I smile a satisfied smile.

"What's that?" She says, painting her last toe.

"Well, I happened to bump into Calum today and..."

She immediately looks up, her eyes begging for me to finish my sentence.

"And what!?"

"Anddddddddddd, I happened to tell him you'd like to go to that dance with him." I say in one breath, terrified of what she's gonna say or do now.

Her eyes get as wide as the moon. Her face drains color. I don't know whether to laugh or hide.

"YOU DID WHAT?" she yells. "WHAT did hE SAY?" "Did he-"

"Listen!" I yell. "He said that if you ask him for yourself then he'll go."

"You did not!" her face as red as an apple. "I will never be able to do that! You know that! I just wanted to secretly like him, now he knows! Oh my god, C-"

"You'll thank me later! When you are married with ten kids, you'll look back and say, 'wow, if it wasn't for Cassidy, I wouldn't be happily married with all these little mini me's running around."

"Oh my go-"

"You should've seen it! He blushed goddammit! Blushed!"

"He did?!"

"He did! Just ask him. That's all, he even said that he'll say yes."

"I will not..."


"I'll ask him if you ask..." She stops to think for a moment. "Luke Hemmings."

My smile slides right off my lips and my jaw drops. "You did not just go there."

She smiles, knowing she got me. "Now you know how I feel."

"This is totally different! Calum already said yes and you actually like him. Luke has a murder record, Alexis!" I yell.

"Please, please just ask Calum..."

"I will!" she cuts me off.

"You will?" I ask hopefully.

"If you ask Luke."

I stare at her for a moment, giving her a chance to tell me she's kidding. But she doesn't say it. My face is probably drained.

"Do you swear you'll ask him if I ask Luke?"

"I swear."

It's just one night. No big deal, right? She'll ask Calum if I do this, and she'll live her happily ever after... I'll do it for her.


Her eyes widen again. "Really?! I thought I got out of this one.."

"You swore!"

"I know, I know.. I just, oh my goodness I don't know if I can do this.."

"How do you think I'm feeling! At least we know Calum will not murder you."

"Luke won't murder you." She assured.

"You don't know that! He's killed his mother for goodness sake!.." I shake my head and let out a huge sigh. "You're lucky I love you. I'm doing this for you." I stand and go back to the window to leave.

"Love you too!" She says. And with that I hop out of the window. Pondering the whole way home how I am going to do this.

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