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I let go of Luke's hand and begin to walk to the stage. I look over to see Alexis and Calum shaking there heads, trying to make me stop. But they don't understand how Luke feels. They don't understand like I do. So there is no way I'm stopping, there's no going back now.

I look back at look and I feel eyes piercing through my body. But I don't care. They need to understand. They need to see the boy who has been hidden for so long.

I make a scene while going onto the stage. Stomping my feet, breathing hard in spite of my anger. I grab a microphone and shoot a glare at everyone in the room, drawing the attention from Luke to me, making him feel less uncomfortable. His eyes are wide and he's stiff with shock. I see Michael looking at me with wide eyes, pleadingful eyes. I want to smack the look right off of him. He might not want to here what I have to say...

"What are you guys looking at?!" I start off abruptly. Causing people to flinch. "Luke Hemmings? Why?" I yell out. My voice booming through the speakers in the room.

"He killed his own mother!" A brave cheerleader yells out, I see Luke look down, probably hiding his face. The remark made me go mad.

"How do you know?!" I growl right back. "Is it because someone told you? How did they know?! How does anyone know that?!" I hiss. "I bet there's one thing you 'know it alls' don't know." I declare. "His mom's house burnt down years ago. And she happened to be in it."

I try not to get into detail so Luke isn't reminded too much of the nightmare that haunts him every night.

My reply makes everyone silent. That's what I thought.

"Luke has a heart. He has emotions. You saw it. How he looked at me, how he held me, how he speaks to me.." I trail off in my own daze as I look back him, then back at the room. "You guys are just too blind and ignorant to see it!"

I run my fingers through my hair and take a deep breath. Michael leaves the room, slamming the doors and making a scene. I let it go and clear my throat, having everyones attention back on me. Their expressions are priceless.

I look to Luke who has a look of pure shock on his face, but an itch of a smile coming on, making me want to proceed. Anything to make him happy, anything to make him be treated like a human instead of an emotionless monster.

"So don't you dare," I abruptly begin, "call him a freak when we don't know what you do behind closed doors or when you think that no one is watching. And don't you dare judge a situation you've never been in." I growl again. I remember when I was like this. How I was like everyone else, ruining lives that I didn't know. That if I would have never taken that dare, Luke would be dead from suicide at this very moment. "And don't get me wrong, he has flaws like the rest of us," I say although I have never seem a flaw about him, "But that's a good thing because that's what makes him human!"

I look to Luke who looks right back at me. I want to take him and somehow show everyone his mind, that if they showed their minds it would be uniquely different. Meaning they are both as human as the other.

"And Luke, I don't know how to begin." My eyes begin to water but I bite my tongue before I speak. "I came into your life out of no where. I was blessed to see the side of you that no one else has experienced before." His eyes warm and he has a shy look on his face. I'm proud that he even stayed in here.

"People labeled you. They tore you down and pointed out your flaws. You stood strong through it, you let me in your life. I may never know why that is, but I'm thankful." I breath. The room is silent. So silent that you can hear a pen drop.

"I may not know how to handle something so wonderful, but I'm going to try. I want to show you that there is good in this world and that you can be cared for. Because I care about you, Luke. I can't even try to explain it." I begin to step off the stage towards him, with the microphone still in my hand.

The room is still very silent and I feel all eyes on me as I make my way to Luke. He smiles, his lip ring shining with the reflection of the lights strung around the room. This is just what I wanted. I wanted them to see his warm, soft smile instead of his cold, piercing look. And I can tell from the small gasps that they weren't expecting to see him with such a happy complexion.

I walk right up to him and look him in the eyes. He continues to look at me like he did earlier, acting like it is just us, like there is no one else around.

"Life is full of mysteries that I just couldn't ever understand. Except, your eyes are a mystery and I think I finally grasped the story of them. And maybe I'm crazy, but I believe the main character happens to be me." The words come out like silk. I don't know where it's all coming from.... well, it's love talking.

Flashbacks flash back into my mind from when I shamed him myself. When I called him a murder freak at Alexis' house, when I was one who fell silent when he walked into the school hallway... how could I be so blind? So cruel? What is this world? We judge things we don't understand, but yet we don't understand ourselves. Maybe this world is made to have unanswered questions. And unhappy endings, and accidents. Accidents....

I take a deep breath in once again.
"Love is inevitable, and it was unintentional to fall for you. And if I may have made a mistake, you're the best mistake I have ever made."

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