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I woke up in my bed, Alexis shaking my shoulder.

"Get up or we're gonna be late. Calum texted me and said that he can give us a ride!" She exasperates.

"Okay.." I rub my eyes and prop up on my elbows, my face full of confusion.

"What?" Alexis questions.

"Nothing... just, how did I get into my bed?"

"Um.. what do you mean?"

"I fell asleep on the porch last night. I remember... I couldn't sleep and I ate a granola bar out on the porch.. and fell asleep."

"You probably dreamt it. C'mon we're gonna be late." She says and flees the room.

I sigh and sit up. Maybe she's right. I guess I'll shrug it off for now.

After I take my shower, I throw on a white plain t-shirt and some skinny jeans plus my worn out converse. I put on simple mascara and a layer of eyeliner and then we meet Michael, Calum, and Ashton in the car to pick us up in the driveway.

When we get in, Michael taps the passenger seat, saved just for me. Alexis nudges me and we exchange looks and laugh. I take my seat right next to Michael, his car smelling like his cologne. He smiles at me and backs out of the driveway, turns on Green Day and hits the road.

I look in the rearview mirror to see Calum and Alexis are flirting and blushing. The dance is one week away. Then I remember..


I remember how he seemed to open up to me that night. I remember how he lit up when I told him I wanted to give him a chance. I feel bad... No one has given him a chance it seems. And what makes it even worse... I lied. I'm doing it to give him a chance, I'm doing it because I was dared. So my best friend can be happy.

I guess after the dance I can pretend that it never happened... Who knows what he plans to do to harm me. Or maybe he isn't going to...

I just don't know. There is so many unanswered questions I have about him. Maybe, just maybe, I can see the real him. Maybe the rumors aren't true. I don't know..

Then I feel a hand on my thigh, breaking my train of thought. Michael.

"You all right?" He looks over with a small form of worry in his eyes. "You look stressed about something.

I am.

"Oh, no. I'm still tired. I didn't sleep much last night." I say, which is not entirely a lie.

"Okay. Tell me if you need anything." He assures.

I nod. "Thanks."

Why does he have to be so sweet? It makes this that much harder. I don't want to fall for him and go to the dance with Michael... I can just see that this isn't going to end well.


When we arrive to school, he helps me out of the car. I politely thank him, but I feel like this shouldn't go any further.

When I finally ditch him to go to my locker, the halls are silent. I feel awkward walking in silence, but when I get to my locker I know exactly why.

Luke Hemmings. Leaning right up against my locker.

Awkward level 207%...

"Hey." I say in a high tone as if I'm not embarrassed. He moves over and lets me into my locker.

"Hello." He plays with his lip piercing using his tongue.

I feel everyone staring at me. The girls here have always at one point admired him from afar because of his extreme looks, but none dared to talk to him. Even if they tried, he'd blow them off. Which makes me wonder why he didn't do that to me..

He insisted on walking to my first class, leaving me as confused as ever. He carried my heavier books and even walked into the classroom to put them on my desk. This boy I swear is the most confusing person.

"Thank you, Luke. I owe you one." I say quieter, trying to ignore the piercing stares of high schoolers and the whispers. He has a slight smile I can see in his eyes, making me weak to my knees. I can't imagine what rumors will be going around now. But it's best that I try not to care.

When geology begins, I find it impossible to pay attention. The change in his personality has taken me by complete surprised. I think I like it, but I don't know what else to expect. Who knows what else is going to happen.

Before I know it, the periods are passing. Me avoiding Luke because I'm so confused and I don't deserve being treated like a princess. It only makes me feel full of guilt and reminds me that I'm lying to a guy who deserves affection the most. But for Alexis... I'll do it. Like i've said.

At lunch, Alexis waves me over at Calum's table to sit. I'm so glad she's happy. This all is slowly paying off.

I sit beside Lexi and Michael slides onto the seat right beside me from beside Ashton, and taking a bite out of an apple.

"Hey, Cassidy. Mind if I sit here?" He winks, knowing he won't take no for an answer.

"Go ahead." I laugh lightly and life my eyebrow at Alexis because she's sitting with Calum. She blushes.

"So you and Hemmings, huh?" Michael says out of no where, honestly taking me by surprise. Alexis looks down at her hands, not wanting to be a part of this.

"Oh, it's nothing really." I say, trying to brush off the conversation.

"If he's forcing you to do anythin-"

"No. No he's not doing anything wrong or anything, we're just going to the dance together, that's all." I declare as if it's nothing. But I know around here, it's a big deal.

"The dance?!" Michael asks in a louder tone, standing up.

"Calm down, Mike." Ashton orders.

"I just. I gotta go." He waves his arm and storms out of the lunch room. My eyes are wide and I'm breathless.

I look at Alexis and she is surprised as well.

"Hey, sorry about him." Ashton says. I look to him. "It's just... Mike really likes you. He was wanting to go to the dance with you, but since it was a girl's choice and all, he was waiting for you to ask him." He explains.

I understand. I also feel bad but I have no reason to.

I get up and run out of the lunch room, searching for Michael.

"Cassidy!" I hear Alexis call and grab my shoulder.

"I have to find Michael.." I breath.

"Hey, I'm sorry I got you into this. I'm not going to make you go to the dance with Luke.. it was all really a joke and I didn't mean for you to actually do it.."

"Don't you think it's a little late for that? I'm not just going to turn him down! He has a heart, I'm starting to see it anyway! He has feelings. He's not an emotionless robot that this place has made him out go be!" I blurt out, not meaning to sound so harsh. I cover my mouth and immediately regret yelling.

She stands there, here eyes starting to water.

"I just came to say sorry." She says quietly and rushes into the girl's bathroom.

"No, Lex I'm sorr-" I begin to beg but the door slams.

She locks herself in one of the stalls and I stand outside of it. "Alexis, please come out here. I'm sorry. I just had all kinds of thoughts bottled up inside of me... and.. I couldn't control myself as better as I should've." I plead.

She's silent and doesn't reply, so I run out onto the parking lot and sit down on a curb, tears about to fall. I've messed up.

accidental | l.r.hTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang