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When I meet Alexis at 5:20, I tell her everything that happened on the way. She wouldn't stop asking questions. She asked if he looked like he was about to kill me, she asked if he had a gun in his pocket, and she asked question after question about his tone of voice and his expression on his face.

I don't blame her. He is known for murdering his own mother. No one knows for sure, but everyone is convinced that he did. They labeled him.

After seeing a slight softness in his eyes when I told him I wanted to give him a chance, it made me see a whole new person. A boy who has emotions and feelings, instead of the grey eyed emotionless monster that he is made out to be.

When we reach the weightlifting area, I look over to see Alexis as a nervous wreck. Her hands are shaking and her face is pale.

"Woah Lex, calm down. He knows you're going to ask and you don't even have to worry about rejection. It will all go perfectly fine." I assure her while we wait for Calum to come out the door.

She takes a deep breath and puffs out her cheeks. "Yeah... nothing to worry about." She nods, mostly telling herself.

We see the door to the weight lifting open and see Calum walk out with his friends Michael and Ashton. They are all sweaty and I notice how built they are. They're t-shirts show the muscle built on their stomachs.

Calum has a towel around his neck and motions the others to wait for him in the car.

He comes to us and I can tell that he knows what's about to happen.

I can almost hear Alexis's heart pounding through her chest. I nudge her so she can speak. She clears her throat.

"Hey Calum, I- I was wondering if," She clears her throat again. I'm surprised she has not fainted yet. "If- if you wanted to go to the dance," She clears her throat once again, "Go to the dance... with me?" She finally blurts out.

He smiles, finding her nervousness amusing. "I would love to, Alexis."

And in that moment, her life was made. She hides her shaking hands in her pockets and she smiles like an idiot, "Alright." She replies.

They give each other their numbers and we start to part ways.

"Would you guys want a ride?" Calum offers as we turn around.

I turn back to Calum and I don't even have to reply before Alexis is already headed that way. I laugh quietly to myself and meet her to the car.

Michael is in the drivers seat and Ashton in the passenger. I let Alexis sit in the middle so she can sit with Calum. I can already hear the screams she is going to scream when we get to my house. I am also not going to stop hearing about this for the rest of the night, even though I was here with her when it happened.

When I get in the car, Michael turns around. "Where to, sweetheart?" He smirks as he tries to flirt. I laugh quietly to myself and tell him my house address.

The music blasted Green Day and All Time Low as we were on our way. I looked over to see that Alexis' and Calum's legs were brushing against each other and I knew that she is going to explode at any moment. She is just going to faint.

When we arrive, Calum opens the door for her. Michael jumps out of the car and opens up the door for me.

"Thanks." I blush a little.

"No prob, babe."

I smile and roll my eyes playfully at him. He's good at this flirting thing.

When I step out, I smell a lovely scent of his cologne.

Alexis and Calum walk around the car and Calum walks her to the door. I turn to thank Michael for the ride, but he insists to walk me to the door.

"What a gentleman." I say laugh playfully and he follows me to the door.

When we reach the door, Calum has already said his goodbyes to Alexis and is headed back to the car. I open the door to my house and turn back to Michael. "Thank you for the ride."

He leans against the doorway and smirks, "Anytime. Here's my number, babe." He hands me a paper. I hide the small blush I get. "See you around." He smiles and turns around to get back to his car. When I shut the door behind me, Alexis stands there with her arms folded and her eyebrow raised.

"I don't even know what that was." I breath with a slight laugh.

"Me neither. But I don't care right now. Calum.. Hood. Calum Hood. Cal-" She stops and smiles. Then screams. "CALUM SMILED AT ME. HE ALSO MADE CONTACT WITH MY BODY." She screams and runs to my room.

The whole night she goes on and on about the small details about what happened today. It went perfect.

Sometime during her babbling, we decided she is sleeping over. We didn't have to ask or say it out loud, we just do. When she finally fell asleep, I was still wide awake, replaying everything today. How I was dazed by Luke and Michael.

I begin to wonder what Luke has been through to be given such a hateful title. People say he grew up wanting to kill things and his passion got so strong that he killed his own mother. I don't know what to believe. Maybe I'll have to find out for myself.

After laying down and staring at the ceiling for what seems like forever, I accept that I can't sleep and I get up to get something to eat.

I creep by my father's bedroom and into the kitchen. I grab a granola bar and I listen closely to the sound of the rain hitting the earth. I love the rain, the sound of rain, and the smell of rain.

I decide to step out onto my porch to absorb the fresh precipitation. I sit down in the porch swing and eat my granola bar in peace.

And sometime during that, I fell right asleep on my porch. Unintentional.

accidental | l.r.hTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang