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There is one thing I know for sure. If I ask him and if he says yes, I am guaranteed to be shunned. Is this worth it? Yeah, for Lexi. I'll do it.

I lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My phone buzzes and I see that it's a text from Lexi.

Sexy Lexi: so when are u gonna ask him

Me: idk..

Sexy Lexy: i'll ask cal after u ask luke

Me: if i go missing the night of the dance then just know that ily

Sexy Lexi: you'll be fine

Me: no

Sexy Lexi: i'm beyond nervous like you don't even know

Me: same

Sexy Lexi: ask him tomorrow

Me: no!!!

Sexy Lexi: do it

Me: omfg fine

Sexy Lexy: im gonna laugh if he turns you down omg

Me: you think this is funny!?

Sexy Lexi: yah

Me: k

Sexy Lexi: you didn't just k me

Me: k

Sexy Lexi: wow

Me: gtg dead

Sexy Lexi: ily!!!

Me: k

I put my phone on my dresser and I decide to get ready for bed. I really hope that when I wake up, this whole thing with me bumping into Calum is a dream, or Luke was just a part of my dream and he isn't real.

I lie in bed and the thoughts of what i'm about to do overwhelm me. I mean, his looks aren't bad. Not bad at all. Honestly, his looks are the deadly part of him. Girls can be such a sucker for him, that it's easy for him to lure them into his backwards games. Many girls don't dare to go near him, considering the stories that are told over and over again about him.

Lexi doesn't understand he's a criminal, she thinks this is funny. But when I'm missing and reported dead, she'll be sorry and she'll also be thankful because she is going to live her happy ever after..

Sometime during my thinking I fell asleep. When I wake up, I lie awake thinking about how today is the day. It's literally life or death.

Maybe i'm over exaggerating, maybe i'm paranoid. Maybe this will all be just fine. Just one night, one night.

Later when I get to school, Lexi is looking for Calum. Not to ask him, but to stalk him from afar. She's ridiculous.

"Soon you'll be asking that boy to the dance." I state as we pass a Girls Choice poster.

Her face flushes red before she replies. "Yeah.. but you'll be asking another boy first..."

"Thanks for reminding me." My eyes search the halls for him, but he's not anywhere to be seen at the moment. "I wonder where he is anyway."

"Probably not here, considering the halls silence when he steps foot in here." She sighs as we both open our lockers. I nod. She's probably right. I'm surprised he still comes to this school.

The classes go by dreadfully fast because I spend the whole time thinking and planning how I'm going to ask him and writing a mental goodbye speech to Lexi. I wanted the classes to go by slow but of course when the only time I don't want them to go fast, they do.

When the end of the school bell rings, I still can't find Luke. He skipped. How am I gonna find where he's at?

When I meet Lexi at my locker, she gives me a look of pure surprise.


"C-calum... he keeps looking at me." she breathes. "I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this... if I do this... I jus-"

"Woah calm down." I grab her shoulders. She's talking so fast I can barely understand her.

"How? You're more than likely gonna find Luke today and then that means I am going to have to find bravery that I don't even think I have to find Calum and let alone spend a whole night dancing with him! I mean i'd love to, but I mentally, physically, and emotionally can't!"

I stand back and chuckle to myself.

"What?" she growls.

"You." I shake my head and close my locker as I grab my backpack. "You're ridiculous. He's a sweet guy. There's nothing to be scared of."

"You should tell my heart that." She says and we both head out the door to walk home.

"I should be the one flipping out like you are, seriously. I'm freaking out inside..." I say and my hands start to shake. I stuff them into my hoodie pockets.

"I know..." She says, almost looking sorrowful. I don't know why because she's the one who can tell me that I don't have too. That's all I want to hear right now, but of course she doesn't say it.

When we reach the park, I expect to see him smoking somewhere. And my expectations are right. He's leaning against the tree, inhaling a cigarette, a hard look on his face. A look of hatred. It intimidates me.

I look to Lexi who sees him too.

"Oh my god, Cassidy. Are you okay?" her eyes widen.

"What? What's wrong?" I feel my face.

"Your face is literally pale white."

"Is it?" I grab my phone and slid up the camera to see my face. Indeed it is.

"Maybe he won't even say yes. He probably won't, considering he hates everyone." She declares, trying to make me feel better. She's probably right.

"Go stand somewhere where he won't see you." I demand and she leaves my side.

I take a deep breath and walk, towards him. Hoping he'll notice me soon so I won't scare him. My legs almost don't let me go. I walk slowly. Soon enough he looks back just in time before I reach him. My hands are shaking but they are hidden.

He gives me a look of confusion, but his features are hard and his jaw tenses.

"Hi.." I say quietly, afraid by voice will tremble.

He throws the butt of his cigarette down to the ground and he stands, over towering me. He's so tall. I've never been this close to him before. My whole body trembles. I feel like his deep blue eyes are piercing through me as he looks down at me.

"I was wondering.." I start trying to find my voice. "If maybe." I look down at my feet, then back up at him. "You would.. want to go to the girls choice.." I take a deep breath. "With me?"

There's no going back now. Life or death. Yes or no.

He's taken aback. I don't blame him for not expecting this. I can't believe I even did this. He ruffles his hand through his hair and frowns.

"Sure." He says in a deep, soft voice. I thought it would be a hard, hating voice. I thought he would say no. I guess he is just a boy that you can't assume with. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach.

"Oh.." I let slip out of my mouth. "Okay." I fumble through my pockets to find my phone and I get on contacts for him to put his number in. He takes it carefully and types it in.

"Thanks." I breath. He smiles a small smiling before turning around to leave, leaving me breathless. I stand there in utter confusion. When I look at his contact, he put his name in as "Luke(:"

A damn smiley face. What.

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