Guys idk what im doing

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*the boy changed his clothes to a more like this world ones because 1 it doesn't suit his personality or style anymore 2 he wants people to think he is from this world /the clothes were basic nothing weird a black pants and white shirt with a black coat that he always wear it on his shoulders and he kept his hair down unlike his past life he was just so lazy to do lt*

Aether pov:

I hate this place I got betrayed from my closest people here how was I so stupid to believe them? I will burn them to ashes but first I have to get these people trust a very easy task

*aether got to the knight of favonius headquarters *

Hmm I should talk to jean..ew *sigh* there is nothing I can do can I ? I have to play the hero role again I'm not doing that
Aether pov:

"Hello master jean*the boy smile softly with a bright face and glowing eyes * im so glad to see you and please forgive me for coming here at such a bad timing but I..have some thing to share with you "

Jean pov:

Who is this? I have never seen him before

*jean smile politely * "of course what is it? And who are you?"

Aether pov:

God her voice gave me a disease

"Oh I'm sora I have lived in..inazuma my entire life but I got here because I had to get some ingredients for my medicals and I came here because I know how to free dvalin from his curse "

Jean pov:


"Are you sure? We were trying to help dvalin but we couldn't so how can you help him"

How can an out lander like you help one of the four winds?

Lisa pov:

Haha this is fun ..should I join the conversation?

"Hi there cutie...and just like jean said are you sure ? Or are you trying to waste our time?

Keaye pov:

What an amusing person

"Hmm you have a lot of self confidence for conforming that you can save dvalin little storm"

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