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Aether pov:
"Holy fuck-"

*he ruffles his hair and looks at the was wet but cold, was covered with his own blood but his wound already healed like always. He cursed under his breath and got off the bed he saw his reflection through the mirror and his shirt was covered in blood too he felt disgusted by himself, his dark circles were getting darker and his lips were dry he looked almost dead. He sighted and walked to the kitchen he glanced over the ground and there was smeared dried blood on it, oh...he forgot to clean that up..he grabbed a towel and put it in a bowl of hot water before wiping the floor, he frowned at the sight of the towel full of blood, it was all too much for him, so he just closed his eyes feeling the cold blood and warm towel between his hands and the weirdly comforting metal smell, before getting up and throwing the towel in the bin he washed his hands and changed his clothes and the sheets he was sleeping on..he didn't have anything other then the kimono he got from inazuma, he looked at himself in the mirror..his golden hair was messy and gave him a holy look under the light of the sun. He grabbed the brush and brushed his hair, he didn't style it he felt comfortable with it being over his upper body with no styling, finally he was out of his inn he walked through liyue harbour not knowing what to do or where to go so he just walked around, he saw zhongli listening to a storyteller but didn't feel like he wanted to greet him so he just ignored the scene, as he was looking at the birds in their nest and how beautifully they are warming each other's bodies he accidentally bumped into someone and fell*

Aether Pov:

Oh my fucking archons can this day get worse??

"Sorry for bumping into you sir, I wasn't focusing on my way."

*the stranger gave him a hand to stand up and as he glanced at him the stranger smiled with a weird shin in his eyes*

The stranger pov:

Alright this is the perfect chance to say this!

"Em- it is quite alright miss, I saw you walking around the harbour and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are...would you please consider—"

Childe pov:

"Sorry to interrupt you pouring out your heart but this "miss" you are talking with is actually a guy."

Aether pov:

Fuck me- that's exactly what I needed today more headaches thank you very much celestia.

"*smiles* i appreciate your feelings sir but I am actually a man and I am not interested, thank you very much."

Anshu  pov:

"b-but, *sighs sorry for wasting your time mi- i mean sir.."

childe pov:

"Pfft- haha! Did you see his face?? Haha oh I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time comrade."

Aether pov:

"The poor guy, anyways what brings you here Ajax?"

Childe pov:

"Shh Comrade! Don't call me that in public, just call me by my code name. And I came here to take a walk looks like we had the same idea though. Wanna hang out??"

Aether pov:

I swear I can see his tail wiggling-

"Unfortunately I can't I have something very important to attend to."

Childe pov:

Is he avoiding me right now..?

"What is it comrade maybe I could help"

Aether pov:

Can't you take a no?? Oh my-

"It is a private matter ginger, see ya."

*aether didn't wait for the other to say anything else and walked in the beautiful streets of the harbour with a chain of thoughts, he had so many questions yet almost no answers. He has been searching for almost one and a half month now and he still got...nothing, his mind had so many fogs in it. He remembers things from his previous life but not enough, he doesn't remember everything that happened to him there which scared him. It is almost the same as when he arrived in tevyat he knew nearly nothing. He tried to think that maybe it's for the better to forget those days, maybe his mind was trying to protect him from some memories that he couldn't handle, even so he still have memories that makes him want to gag. This whole situation is terrible. When he realized that he wasn't even going anywhere he decided to go back to the inn, when he arrived to wangshu inn he smelled the refreshing smell of newly wiped floors and furniture, it was a beautiful smell of incense that he couldn't quite put his hand on but he could sense the glaze lilies and violetgrass a strange combination but has a splendid smell nonetheless.*

Aether pov:

I'm quite hungry I will probably go ask smiley yanxiao to make me something..

*And so the blonde walked the stairs until he arrived to the kitchen, he was welcomed with a delightful smell of seasonings and the sound of boiling water on a pot. It felt quite soothing.*

"Smiley yanxiao can you please make me a plate of—"

*he stopped talking immediately after glancing at the sight on his far left, it was him. He was much time has passed yet he still looks as tired as ever but he looked lovely nevertheless, the bold vermillion powder homing his amber eyes, his dark medium-length hair with teal strands that made him look even more pleasant to the eyes and his slim figure that oh so beautifully swayed with his every move. Aether just stood there waiting for him...he knew that in the time being he didn't even know him but he still waited for his adepts, to embrace him and smile gently just for him. He loathed for that feeling but it would never happen again. He was a hopeless romance indeed.*

Xiao pov:

"Oh..I didn't know you were staying in the inn.."

*xiao glanced at the blonde haired man, waiting for him to reply. He saw him only in the battle against osial, he couldn't help but notice how charmingly attractive he was. Not that he would ever admit it but he felt himself being drawn to him just like how a magnet is drawn to metal, even with his dark circles that made his wishful golden eyes look less alive and his dry lips that looked bruised by how much he had bitten them he was still very amused by his figure and abilities, however he can't get very close with him he wouldn't want him to end up in unending pain like him..*

Aether pov:

Fuck why is he here??

"*smiles* I don't really have a place to stay, you can say I am wandering around in the moment. I wouldn't like taking away too much of your time though you both looked like you were having quite the conversation. Yanxiao please prepare a plate of honey char siu and deliver it to my inn room."

Smiley yanxiao pov:

"Alright, I will prepare it right away after I make him his almond tofu."

*yanxiao says with a smile while looking xiao who just sighs and teleports away, aether nods before heading to his inn. After he arrives to his inn room he immediately goes to lay on his bed...he feels exhausted even though it was just the afternoon.*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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