welcome to pandora

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Quaritch and Miles watched behind a window as Kiri pulled against her restraints on the hospital bed.

They'd been running endless tests on her in some medical center in the middle of Bridgehead since they landed, Rotxo in the room next door getting treated for his wounds.

Mile's expression grew more uncomfortable as they watched her scream. He turns the other way and leans onto the glass, facing his father.

"Down worry about that ship, if those flying shits got it then it most likely tore them up too." Quarich's voice was still very deep and tough.

"When do we ship out?" Miles asks.

Quaritch looks to his watch and nods, "We got fifteen minutes, tell the boys to get the lift ready." He commands, to which Miles nods and walks off, "On it."

On his way to talk to the engineers, the now grown man stops at the door Rotxo is behind and lets out a sinister huff before walking inside.

Rotxo was already patched up, just laying in the bed connected to an iv to give him painkillers until he's done healing.

The boy was barely awake, slightly turning his head to see Miles walk in with his hands behind his back.

He couldn't see much, his vision was blurry and overexposed from the painkillers and he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Hello.. Rotxo, was it?" Miles steps closer, towering over the Na'vi as he spoke, "It's been a long time, a lot has changed around here." He smirks as he sits on the end of the bed.

Rotxo gulps and tries to speak, his voice husky and groggy, "I thought- you were supposed to be- one of us."

Miles chuckles as he leans back, "At one point I thought so too, but, I realized family is worth more than anything, don't you agree?" He asked with a sarcastic smirk.

Just before Rotxo was about to speak, Miles put his finger up at him as he touched his ear comm.

"Perfect, ill get the kid and have the lift ready in a moment-"

"Oh really- well what were her results?"

Rotxo weakly tilts his head as he listens to Miles talk through his comm, wondering if they were talking about Kiri.

Miles eyes widen for a moment, before he touches the comm again, "Understood, thank you."

He turns back to Rotxo with an even more sinister look than before, "You sly dog.."


"Come! Come! The Ikran have returned! And they brought something with them!"

Jesse and Natalies heads snap towards the entrance of the pod where the voice was coming from, along with a few sets of footsteps.

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