- 2 - Going to U.A.~ He's feelin' Confused~ - 2 -

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Aizawa receives a beep in his ear from an earbud and hears a familiar voice. Principal Nezu wants to see Mob in person. Aizawa wonders how Nezu knows he was with Mob.


Aizawa was walking towards U.A. with a boy named Shigeo Kageyama- or Mob- who was following him. The path they were walking on was partially lit, but Aizawa was able to keep an eye on the boy.

"Hey, Aizawa, what is U.A. exactly?" asked Mob.

"U.A. is a hero school," replied Aizawa. "It's known for being the number one ranked high school for heroics and is considered the top Hero Academy in Japan. The students are separated based on their abilities into specific Departments and Classes, which are labeled from A to K."

Mob took a mental note of the information. "I didn't know there were schools for heroics," he thought.

"Also, the teachers there are Pro-heroes themselves- I am one of the teachers there. " Aizawa says in his normal monotone voice. Aizawa turns his head to see Mob nodding silently to let him know he understood. Mob notices the sun is slowly starting to rise.

The two walk down the street in silence, when Mob notices Dimple flying into view, his green spirit structure and red prominent dimples, being hard to miss.

"Shigeo! I Found Some stuff about where we Are- wait, who are you following?" He asked, noticing the man walking with Mob.

"Oh, this is Aizawa-san," Mob whispered back. "He's going to help us. He says he's a pro-hero."

Dimple's expression darkened upon seeing the man Mob was following. "That sounds shady as hell," he muttered, clearly skeptical about Aizawa-san's intentions.

Dimple takes a moment to examine the man more closely. "Is that man okay? What's up with that lame outfit? Just looking at it makes me feel uneasy! He looks Homeless."

Mob continues to look straight ahead but whispers to Dimple, eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly "That's not very nice, Dimple. Maybe it's part of his job."

"I always associate heroes with wearing underwear outside their pants - not this," Dimple says.

After saying something to Dimple, Mob noticed Aizawa looking over his shoulder and decided to end the conversation.

'Was the kid talking to himself..?'

As Mob looked up, he saw a massive building with letters on it that read 'U.A.' The sun shone between the two towers in a picturesque moment as Mob lifted his hand to cover his eyes. He knew that U.A. was the best hero school, but he was taken aback by how impressive it looked.

Dimple was equally amazed and exclaimed, "Wow! That school looks pretty fancy! Right, Shigeo?" Mob simply nodded in agreement.

The group paused in front of the gate, "I know he's a teacher here and a hero, but why are we here exactly?"

The gate begins to open, and Aizawa turns to the person beside him, saying, "We're almost at our destination. Stay close to me and don't try anything. We have to talk to someone inside."


They enter U.A., with Dimple floating behind them.

"I guess there's no going back now. I have to follow them to make sure Shigeo is safe," the person thinks to themselves.


Mob and Aizawa walk down the school's hallway in silence. There is no one around until a few minutes later. Mob looks around and notices the large windows, blue flooring, and the fact that the hallway is very wide. He starts to feel out of place in this giant school.

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