- 8 - Planning The School Festival ~Hope~ - 8 -

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  Iida's strong voice rung across the living area of the dorm room, "The School Festival is next month! We should start making decisions now!. "

   "We should pick out a song first right?" Hakagure yells out.

   Mob stood next to a larger student named Koda. Koda was quiet and so far from what Mob knew was nice and cared for animals. Mob shuffled in his home shoes, listening to everyone.

"I don't know much about popular music"

"If we are doing this for everyone, shouldn't it be a song that most people know so they can dance and sing along."

   Jirou then adds in, "Well with those things in mind, I think I know what would make sense. A hard core four-on-the-floor club song. It'll be like a rave meets rock."

   Mob feels out of place, he doesn't know these music terms. 'four-on-the-foor' 'rave meets rock', 'Jirou must know a lot about music..'

  "As for dance music, EDM would be the most popular, but you guys wanna play instruments, right?" her ear jack spins in a circle as she talks.

   Just about everyone's expressions show confusion, even Mob could tell. At least we wasn't the only one.

"Anyone play Bass, Drums or anything?"

   Awkward silence fills the room, "Okay- well I'd say the drums are the backbone of any band. I'd take on the responsibility myself, but honestly I mostly use the guitars, not percussion. Teaching a beginner to play while practicing myself is impossible to do in one month."

  Kaminari takes a second then exclaims rather loudly, "Heyy, Didn't you accidentally admit that your parents made you take music classes as a kid?" He says facing a spikey blonde haired classmate named Bakugo. People make exclaims surprised that Bakugo took music classes.

"Awesome take a seat and show us!"

  The blonde tisks and turns away, "in your dreams, moron."

   Sero smirks, knowing what just might work to get him to play, "Right, I bet the drums are just to hard for ya" Bakugo flinches.

   Next thing you know, Bakubro had practically jumped to a drum set and started playing, skillfully but also seemingly angry. A grumbled, "Well?"

   The students around were in awe of there hot-headed classmates drumming capabilities. A small smile appears on Mob as he looks at Bakugo. 'Wow, everyone in this class has amazing capabilities...'
But then Bakugo had walked away, saying how doesn't want to be seen on that stage.

  "But if we rock this, everyone'll have a great time!"

  "Don't you get what's gonna happen?! I'll spell it out for you, we're doing this because we wanna let other courses blow off some steam, right. Well were the ones causing all that stress to begin with. Were just trying to make ourselves feel better."

   'Why is our course the reason for so much stress? Did I miss something? I know we are heros in training..'

"Don't Be rude, were just trying to help!"

   "Yeah, that's the kind of thinking I'm talking about!" His harsh voice carried through the room, crashing a wave of realization to his classmates. They did want to help the other courses, but, what Bakugo has been saying truly makes sense.

"I see, perhaps he's right, did we not think this through." Iida says.

  A half-Red half-White haired classmate plainly speaks, "you didn't help us decide what to do, so you have no right to complain."

   "Doesn't this make you mad? It's not like we wanted the villain's to show up and ruin things for everyone. Why do we have to be so concerned about how these weaklings feel?! Stop trying to get on there good side! We're not here to make friends;We're here to fight! If we're gonna put on a show we can't hold anything back!"

"Let's Murder Everyone at U.A. With Our Killer Music!"

   The ending started Loud Cheering for the spiky Blond Teen. People jumped and raised their fists, even if the reasoning was creepy he still was going to do it.

  Shigeo was confused, from what he knows is, Yes heros get into villain fights but have the heros put the other courses in danger. From the sound of it, Yes.

    Bakugo has villain thoughts and behavior, but he doesn't seem bad. 

   "This might help, as part of my classical education I've studied the piano ever since I was a little girl. I'd be happy to play in the band if you need me."

"Aw yeah, Momo will totally rock those keyboards!"

   " I mean we've gotta have someone on synths for dance music. I think you'd be perfect for the gig!"

Momo smiles lightly, "Then I'll do my best!"

"Aw, I wanted all the girls up for a big choreo number but you'll still look cute back up on stage."

  'they look so happy, enjoying themselves. I kind of feel like I'm barging into there class. Now they have an uneven number of students, and most likely I won't be able to do anything, but for now I can wait and find out I can be useful for now-'

  "We've gotta have special effects!"
Mina pulls out the laptop, quickly typing on the keys then showing the group excitedly.
"We have to be Extra to set the right mood!"

"Let's pull out all the stops to make it like an explosion of lights!"

"With quirks we can totally to that"

   Mina leading the effects brainstorming starts rambling excitedly about how they could make the effect with their quirks. Then a group enters through the door. "Hey guys, sorry we're late, we had to make up for the classes we missed." Said Kirishima.

"Now we can help out for real!"


    While the class talked to the students that came late, while they talked about who would sing. After they found out who would sing. People said that they should be a dancer or if they should play an instrument, if they would be special effects as well. It seemed like everyone had chosen what they would do. Mob just stood there, listening, absorbing the information silently.

"Hey, Mob." A familiar voice calls out, Jirou.

"Oh, Hello Jirou-chan"

    "You can stop with the honorifics, we are friends here. But, You have Telekinesis right?" Mob nods in response. "Great! How do you feel about being a special effects member, You could use your telekinesis to also help out building the set up."

   Mob looked at her blankly, but in reality he was happy. As a light glimmer In his eye appeared "I would love to help, Jirou"

"Rest up guys, starting tomorrow we will have some tough work!!"

  Eri, Mirio, Aizawa and Shigeo stood outside of U.A. Highschool.  "Don't worry Eri, Everyone's nice here" Eris eyes gleamed as she looked at the school.


    A whisper, A whisper of a young middle school boy rises from within an empty street. Tears dripping down his chin. The musky air making it hard to breathe while crying. An umbrella in his hands being griped harshly.  He looks to the floor, body shaking, His Black spikey hair covering his eyes.

'Nii-San... It's been so long- Why- Why can't we find you?' his voice was saddened yet held a hint of anger. "I swear, if someone hurt you-"
   "No matter where I am I can't feel your energy anymore. . . I'm starting- To lose- Hope. .''


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