- 6 - Festival ~Getting To Know Eachother~ - 6 -

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   Mob is sitting down at his new desk.  All the other desks around him are apart from each other- but his desk is just about touching Midoriya's. Suddenly he feels a weird pressure of people staring bullets at him. He turns to the closest person- Midoriya. He had shimmers in his eyes but when he noticed Mob looked at him, he flinched then started mumbling  apologies.

"It's ok, was there anything you needed?"
Mob asked the question with a blank face.  Midoriya was about to speak up- answering Mob's question, when Aizawa's voice started. Mob looks up to see the man in a yellow- caterpillar like sleeping bag. And in a tired voice Aizawa says simply.

"It is coming-- the school festival"

  People yelled loudly,
"NORMAL SCHOOL STUFF!!!" It was almost as loud as Present Mic's radio show.

    The class starts rambling loudly, voices covering one another. Absolute chaos, Aizawa told Mob it was loud- but not this much. His ears started hurting- just so much noise.

"So awesome!"

"Gotta love this time of year!"

"We gotta think of something cool to do!"

   Kirishima stands up hurrily,
"Hold on Mr.Aizawa, are you sure this is ok?"
He says, a worried expression painted along his face.  "Think about it though, there are villains everywhere!"
   Opon hearing Kirishima, a guy with yellow messy hair and a black lightning bolt, seems to try and reason with him though in a whisper like manner.

    Aizawa starts zipping his Sleeping bag from the inside. 
     "You are right, you have a reasonable point- However, there are students here besides the hero course. You get the spotlight every year at the sports festival. This is for everyone else, The support course, General studies and don't forget the business course students. This doesn't get as much attention as the sports fest. But it's still a yearly advent they all look forward to. Many of your peers are feeling stressed out by the current conditions here at U.A."-

   'what, feeling stressed out because of the current conditions? What does that mean?.."
Mob thinks about everything that Aizawa has said but that part stuck out to him the most.

  "Especially the dorm system- which had to be adopted because of the hero course."

   Kirishima's face turns into a look of sympathy, the fact that all Mr.Aizawa said was true.  "When you put it like that, guess it'd be unfair to cancel it. ."

  "Correct, so, yeah. it's still on. As hopefully everyone will enjoy it. Though unlike festivals in the past, this years will only be open to U.A. students and staff."

   Mob looks away at Aizawa for a moment, to Midoriya, he can see the determination and excitement almost appearing like light around him.
  'i guess this event is a big deal, it sounds fun enough- wait- wasn't my school going to have a school festival soon. . It was around that time. ." He then focuses back to Aizawa.

"You may not be the focus this time, but your class still needs to participate. ." He says slowly sliding down to the floor in a sitting position.
"And you need to decide, what you want to do, today. . ." He says falling asleep, after he said what he needed to say, he flopped onto the floor and fell asleep.

"He's Out?!"

  Quickly a blue haired guy with glasses, and a girl with a high ponytail go over to the podem. The male is holding a group of papers that are being clipped together. The girl is just behind him with a small smile, facing the rest of the class.
"I promise I will do my best! First, we have a quick brainstorming session! If anyone has an idea raise you hand!" He says strongly.

   Loud yells of "Me, I wanna do it, me!" Rise along with others, everyone fastly rose their hands. The male backs up a little
" well I wasn't expecting so much enthusiasm. Calm down now! We'll go one at a time!"He suddenly straightened up his posture and flings his hand in a stiff manner.
"Yes! Kaminari!"

  The one with bright yellow spikes and a black lightning bolt through his bangs stand up fast, yelling proudly, "A MAID CAFE!"

'Huh.!?' light warmth appears on his face. He didn't expect anyone to say that.

"Seriously, imagine it! Then imagine it again with more details! "

  Mob didn't understand the big deal about maids exactly, but at this point. His face was probably burning.

"And if you imagine me in the center of the action!" Kaminari continues.
"Haha, I think we already have a winner!" Kaminari raises his hand.

"Maids. It is good to serve others-"

  "THATS WAY TO TAME!!" a short angry person screeches out.

"MINETA-" Iida yells out.

"A TOPLESS-" a frog-like student ties up mineta into a bag hanging from the roof. She looks at Sato,
"Wanna help me tie this off?"

With a nervous expression Sato answers, "sure thing."

'What is even going on?' Mob thinks, shifting in his seat.

   Students who rose their hand, one by one told their idea. From foods like mochi, to arm wrestling matches to Hero quizzes. Suddenly a loud angry voice, talking about a fight to the death even appears. Alongwith a mad banquet of darkness. Whatever that meant.

"Maybe a skit?"


"Ok, I think we got everyone that raised their hands,"

"First we should cut off anything inappropriate, impossible or confusing."

   They cross out some choices, as four people were sad about their choice being dismissed. Just overall yelling, it was hard to tell exactly what for though. People probably were yelling about how they liked their idea, what ideas aren't good.

  Now Mob knows why Aizawa Is so tired, he's an underground hero, so he works at night mostly. Alongwith being a teacher at day. Not just a teacher, a teacher to this Chaotic class known as 1A.

"Silence!! Be Civil!" Iida yells.

    The noise of the bell rings throughout the classroom. Aizawa lifts himself out of the sleeping bag and walks past Iida.
   "Well that was a highly unproductive meeting. Decide what you will do tomorrow morning. If you don't we will do my idea. ."
Aizawa turns his head to the class, a intimidating heavy weight of the air around the room. "An educational lecture. ."

"We have to decide what we want to do tonight!"


  "Now that things are quieting down, I have some thoughts about our list." Iida says in a calmer tone.

   After school part of the class had gathered together in the lounge part of the dorms. Now they are here to talk about the festival, and what they will do.

   As the moment Todoroki takes hold of the laptop and shows everyone a concert, recommending it for the festival a shuffling sound comes from the corner of the room.
Jirou's eat twitches and they turn to looks at the corner of the room.
  Their was the new student, blending in to his surroundings, almost as if he was never there. He was holding a blue plastic cup, listening to the conversation from afar.

  'How long has he been standing there, he is now part of our class. Does he not feel like he should include himself just yet?'

"Uh, hey, Kageyama was it? Do you want to come hang out with us?"

Mob flinches,
"Yeah, also- you all can just call me Mob."
His voice was nervous, but to people who didn't know him, his face showed no emotion. He walks over to the group and stands awkwardly next to the girl.

"Here let's get to know each other.
I'm Kyouka Jirou"

"I'm Shigeo Kageyama, Mob"

  The people around them noticed Mob and also introduced themselves kindly. Sure the class of 1A was, rambunctious and loud. Over the top much but, they seem nice. Mob  was ready to see the future of this class, along with him being apart of it. .

(1320 words)

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