- 10 - Reigen Can't Lose Hope- 10 -

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Reigen was sitting on the couch in his office, with his tie loosely draped over his neck and his suit jacket hung over the edge of the couch. He held a steaming container of Takoyaki in his dry hands, and stared at the wisps of steam rising from it.

He is experiencing mental strain as he has been searching for the mob on his own for some time. He questions why he purchased Takoyaki - was it for comfort or out of habit? He gazes at the steam, his hair appearing more unkempt than usual. It is a pitiful sight to witness.

He is losing hope in finding Mob, a 14-year-old ESPer with a heart of gold whom he loves like a son. Mob is lost and cannot be found.

Three weeks ago, Ritsu couldn't sense his brother's aura. Reigen remembers a middle schooler barging in, demanding answers about Shigeo's whereabouts.

Being a part of Meeting Mob has given him a sense of purpose and has made him realize that his actions can have a positive impact on others. He values the presence of Spirits and Such because he believes they genuinely help people with their business, which is something that he finds truly meaningful. For him, Mob's efforts in helping people have also made a significant difference in his own life.

He changed because of Mob, Changed for the better even after he said terrible things to him once.

Reigen is no novice when it comes to self-improvement. He's been pursuing this goal even before meeting Mob, which is why he's so insistent on being a good person when he goes on rants about it to Mob. Currently, he's lost in thought, wondering how much time has passed since he closed shop for the day.

He couldn't bring himself to give up on the boy completely. Initially, he had planned to close himself off from the world of spirits, but ever since the black-haired child came into his life, things had changed.

"Mob, where are you? You shouldn't be missing like this," he said, his voice sounding empty.

Reigen sat in complete silence, feeling as though the lack of noise was almost deafening. The only sounds were the slow, rhythmic pattern of his breathing and the steady ticking of the clock on the wall, which served as the only indication that time was still moving forward.

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