- 3 - Another World? ~Paperwork & Bonds~ - 3 -

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 Shigeo thanked Nezu and bowed as he closed the door. Nezu had just shown him where Aizawa's dorm was and given him a map of the dorms he was in.

Shigeo looked around the room and noticed a table with a small couch and a simple TV on a stand. To the left of the room from the door, there was a coffee machine and eye drops on the table.

"Why would he keep his eye drops next to his coffee machine?" Shigeo asked.

"Well, it seems like a good idea to me. While you're waiting for your coffee to brew, you can use your eye drops. It's like a morning routine thing," Dimple replied matter-of-factly.

Mob took a seat at the table, away from the coffee machine and eye drops, and placed a stack of papers in front of him. Nezu had given him a writing utensil, which he picked up before grabbing the first paper.

He started filling out the form, writing about his power/quirk and how he could use his ESP abilities. As he wrote, he realized that he had forgotten to include some of his abilities, so he had to go back and make corrections.

Mob's hand became increasingly tense from the constant writing and lack of breaks. Then, he heard Dimple say, "Whoa, good job Shigeo! You have written down a lot!"

"Thanks, Dimple. I think I should give my hand a break though, and I have only written down the minimum. . ." Mob said, putting down his writing utensil. He then went to review the information he had already filled out.




'I think Shigeo beat himself up while writing,' Dimple thought, grimacing slightly.

"Well, I think I have everything under control for now. I should continue working," said Shigeo as he picked up his writing utensil and resumed his work.

Suddenly, the sound of the door knob rattling drew Shigeo's attention away from his paperwork. He looked up to see Aizawa, who appeared as tired as ever but was holding a futon.

"Principal Nezu informed me that you'll be staying here until we can find you suitable accommodations. Also, I should help you familiarize yourself with the dorms tomorrow since it's the weekend," Aizawa said.

"Ok," Shigeo replied.

Shigeo pauses for a moment before finally speaking up, "Excuse me, Aizawa-san, but I'm curious - if heroes have quirks, what is your... uh, quirk?" He's not used to saying the word "quirk" - referring to a special ability.

Aizawa responds with a grin, "My quirk is Erasure - it allows me to cancel out the quirk of anyone I look at. However, it only works until I close my eyes."

"That's useful, especially since Nezu-san mentioned that people here use their quirks all the time during fights," Shigeo says with a blank expression while looking at Aizawa.

Aizawa nods in agreement, "Yes, people rely heavily on their quirks, so they don't know how to fight without them."

"Here," Aizawa hands Mob the Futon, "You can get yourself comfortable - right?"

Shigeo nods, replying to Aizawa, "Okay, thank you. I'll head to bed now. It's getting late."

Aizawa nods, pleased that Shigeo isn't too loud, "Goodnight, kid."

"Goodnight, Aizawa"

Despite his racing thoughts, he quickly fell asleep, unable to contemplate everything he had learned that day.

(Edit ;11/10/23)

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