- 5 - Class 1A ~Friends~ - 5 -

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   Mob finished tying his tie- with a long time teaching by dimple on how to actually tie it.
He never learned how to tie one, but he did observe Reigen from time to time.

 .   "Well Shigeo, are you ready for your first day at a hero school?" Dimple asked, Mob nodded with an assured hum as an answer.  Shuffling and muffled talking came from outside his door. People murmurs and conversations along with footsteps.

"Well- Guys---Shouldn't-- class"

"Come on--! Mysterious----n"

   He shuffles over to the door and turns the handle to see a group of five people.
  One has a large structure, brown messy hair and scruffy-like eyebrows. An excited girl with pink skin and yellow horns and pink hair.  Another girl with long dark green hair in a low ponytail. Another student with black messy hair with a large grin plastered onto his face, his elbows unusual.  And lastly a student with pointy red hair, red eyes and sharp shark like teeth.

  "Well isn't this an excitable bunch of weird high schoolers. . " Dimple says furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
   "Uh, hello-" Mob says quietly. The group of students Infront of his door pause- not expecting him to open the door so suddenly.  The student who was here first simply came here because this dorm was supposed to be empty, but then today it was occupied. Eventually the students piled up because of curiosity. Now they can see the mysterious person in the dorms.

   The pink skinned female students' eyes widened and a grin appeared on her face. Mob swore he saw comical sparkles in her eyes.  They pushed by the other students and brought her hand out.
  "Hello- I'm Mina Ashido-! Nice to meet you!". She has a pinkish complexion. Her eyes are yellow with black irises, and she has short, fluffy pink hair with two yellow antennae protruding from the top.

  "Hello, I'm Shigeo Kageyama, but you can call me Mob" He says, giving Mina her handshake.  Mina gives a nod then gestures over to the students around her. The students in question are currently a mix of emotions but mostly from what Mob could make out- was excitement.

   "These are some of our classmates!  We have- Sato, Kirishima Sero and Tsu."  Mina says introducing others. The classmates wave and give smiles. A tall, very muscular man with a wide build and brown hair whose name seems to be Sato asks a question for the group.

   "Everyone, I have some cookies, I don't have anywhere to store them for when they aren't fresh anymore- so anyone want some?" 

" Yes Please!!"
"Thanks Sato"
"I was actually wanting cookies right about now!"
"Thank you Sato- Ribbit"

  "Here Mob"  Mina says, handing mob a cookie, he gives a small smile and accepts it.

  "Thank you," He takes a bite, "This tastes pretty good ." He says warmth to his face as he takes another bite of the delectable, chocolate cookie.

   Mob is walking down the hallways of U.A. with some classmates he met earlier. It was comfortable, people were having conversations- Mob was one of the topics that was brought up multiple times. Without Saying his secret he tried his best to answer their questions. That's when Kirishima started to apologize.
    "Sorry we sort of just appeared at your door, we just wanted to see why the empty dorm room has someone in it- we didn't know a new student was here.."

"Yeah, Sorry about that Mob" Sero adds his own apology. As everyone apologies as well.

   "It's ok, I'm glad I was able to meet some of my classmates."
The group smiled, then Tsu paused. Tsu then put her finger to her chin, thinking. After a little she asked Mob her question.

" If I may ask, why are you joining the hero course so late in the year? - Ribbit."

    Mob looks over at Tsu, "I'm not sure myself, the whole situation is complicated, sorry. '' Mob says blankly. Mob's classmates were confused but they didn't push any further considering he said he didn't know why himself.

   Mob looked around the hallways, at the blue flooring and blue roof. Through the window shone light and the bright light above him. There was a lot of light, it was sort of bothersome- adding on to his nervousness of going to class. Especially when his classmates will be in class like another day and a random person appears. How would they react?-

  Before Mob knew it he was facing a giant door, '1A' his classmates entered and he followed. The students who were already in class were having conversations amongst themselves, then they paused- noticing an unusual person walking into the classroom. "

What? Who's that?"
"Are they a new student?!"
"If he was a new student why would they be joining so late in the year"
"If someone joined the class I wish it was going to be a girl-"

   And other comments on the mysterious highschool(middle schooler) person.  Some surrounded him, while others ignored and others observed from afar. Then suddenly a loud, stiff voice emerges from the class.

  "Everyone! I'm sure there is a reason for a new student during the middle of the year- but there is no reason to pester him about it, we'll be informed about it soon. So everyone calm down!"

  "Yes, Iida is correct now everyone go sit down.". A tired monotoned voice from the doorway sounds. Mob moves slightly then Aizawa motions him to stay there- next to his desk.

"Everyone Pay attention- This is our new member of class 1A. Please introduce yourself. "

    Mob flinches, " My name is Shigeo Kageyama, you all can just call me Mob." He gives a bow.

  "Please respect him and stuff- you know this nonsense already. Now Kageyama, you can sit next to Midoriya.". The kid with green fluffy hair raises his hand, letting Mob know he is Midoriya.  Mob shuffles over to his seat. The seat in question is a bit- weird to say. It is the only seat that sticks out, because it creates its own row.

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