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    IF ANYONE WOULD HAVE TOLD ASTRID THAT THE GALAXY WOULD RETURN TO DEMOCRACY AFTER THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC, she wouldn't believe them. Life had changed drastically for the Pagonia-Skywalker family and the galaxy at large. The devastating grip of the Empire had been broken, but it left behind a trail of destruction that had to be addressed. Astrid, with her skillful persuasiveness, had managed to convince Anakin to relinquish his grip on the galaxy and restore democracy. However, it was clear that he wasn't willing to give up all his power. So, Astrid and Anakin struck a deal that would shape the future of the galaxy.

    The new order of the galaxy was inspired by Apollo, where there was a ruler, and democratic houses. But the transition was not easy. The galaxy was skeptical about Lord Vader's change of heart, and they found it hard to forgive him for his past atrocities. His rule was stricter than Palpatine's, and his men were more merciless.

    The Pagonia-Skywalker family, along with their allies Padme, Satine, and Obi-Wan, devised a plan to win the galaxy's trust back. They decided to create a fake story that the late Emperor had captured and tortured Anakin in hopes of turning him into a Sith. The story would reveal that Anakin would break out of captivity and defeat Vader, thus bringing peace to the galaxy. It was a brilliant plan, and they were confident that it would work.

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