Chapter 5- The Necklace

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'Oh Romy! You gave me a terrible fright. Bianca called me and said that you had slipped on some stairs in a building at the castle. You lost consciousness and have been out for two days' Lorenzo explained.

'Was I out for two days?' Romina asked incredulously. She immediately thought of her mother. She spoke to her daily and Romina knew she would be worried sick not knowing what was happening.

'Oh gosh, my mom'

'Romi, it's all fine. I spoke to your mom when it all happened. She was really worried. We can call her in a bit,' Lorenzo said in an attempt to soothe her.

'I'm so sorry Lorenzo. I didn't mean to worry you like this' Romina said casting her eyes down.

'Oh don't worry about that. You can thank me when we get you home' Lorenzo said with a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin as he stroked her forehead. Romina lovingly smiled at him. He was her only family in Italy. She felt so blessed to have him in her life. She had met him on campus. They got chatting and became friends. Over time, their friendship had blossomed into romance. They had had their fair share of arguments, but she could not imagine a life without him.

'Oh thank God, you're awake' said a voice from behind Lorenzo. Lorenzo stood up and Romina could see Bianca had entered the room. Bianca drew a cross over her body, in thanks to God. Romina smiled at her affectionately.

'Oh, Bianca you are here too. I am sorry to have caused everyone to worry' Romina started before she got interrupted.

'Oh, don't be silly. What's most important is how you are feeling. Gustav was the one who found you and you gave that man and the rest of us a bit of a fright. I'm sure he will be pleased to know that you are awake. So how are you feeling?' Bianca asked leaning in.

'I'm ok I think. My head hurts a bit. But don't worry, I'm planning on starting in a week' Romina said. As she said the words, memories of what happened at the castle came rushing back. Fear gripped Romina but at the same time, she was curious. She wanted to find out what happened in that building. She was determined to make her way back to the castle.

'I knew you would say something like this. But don't worry, you won't lose the job. Once you recover fully, then you can start, but not a moment sooner' Bianca said, dismissing Romina's idea. Bianca stayed for a little longer, making sure that Romina was feeling alright. Once she had satisfied herself, she left Romina and Lorenzo promising to call Romina later in the week.

A few hours later, Romina was discharged from the hospital. She made her way back to her motel with Lorenzo. Once inside, the two of them showered together. The warm water running across her body and Lorenzo's gentle hands as he rubbed soap over her soothed the aches in her body. Romina spent a few minutes in the shower alone. She was grateful that Lorenzo gave her some time to be lost in her own thoughts. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her. As she entered the room, she saw Lorenzo laying on the bed, shirtless. Romina joined him and Lorenzo shuffled on the bed making room for her. He then gently pulled her down on the bed next to him and kissed her passionately,

'I felt so lost without you Romi, even if it was only for a day' he whispered in her ear.

'Me too.'

Romina said kissing him back. Lorenzo moved slightly away from her and threw off her towel. He made his way down her body until he reached her breasts. Stopping there, he used his lips to explore. Romina let out a cry as she gave in to his touch. His tongue made its way to her nipple and suckled her. Romina was filled with desire. She closed her eyes as she thrust her body towards him. But as soon as she closed her eyes, all Romina could see was that face from the castle. The face of that man from the boat, the man who was about to execute her.

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