Chapter 16 - The jealous one

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Days and weeks passed. Romina resigned from her position at the castle not wanting to go back and face Ronaldo or Gustav. She spent her days loitering around the apartment, exploring the lanes and alleys of Elba and generally trying to keep her mind busy and distracted.

And then one day, Romina woke up to see the sun dazzling brightly against a cloudless blue sky. The brightness of the day was contagious. Romina could sense the optimism, the joy as she watched people go about their daily business from her balcony. Their happiness was infectious and Romina felt her heart flood with a happiness that she had not felt for months.

Despite ending her employment at the castle, Romina had decided to remain in Elba as she had nowhere else to go. There was nothing beckoning her in Rome. Lorenzo had been in touch with her to let her know that he also had moved on and had accepted a new job in Florence. Their conversation had been friendly and although hearing his voice gave her pangs, Romina had not told him about ending her contract. She had left things as they were not wanting to stir up old feelings nor cause confusion for Lorenzo as he started his new life in Florence. So she had decided to stay in Elba. At least here, she had one true friend, Monica with whom she felt close to and felt she could trust.

With Monica's help, Romina had been able to secure a position as a waitress at a busy restaurant in town near the beach. Having found another job, Romina was at least now able to pay her share of the bills and not have to worry about finances. However, she was determined to achieve her goals, even though she had temporarily hit pause.

Since sending off her resignation, she had not laid eyes on Ronaldo. He had not visited her at home. At times Romina thought about him, but then she would divert her thoughts away from him just as quickly.

'The restaurant is probably pretty busy today. It's the weather. Makes you want to go out and be social' Romina said to Monica while still looking outside. Monica had draped herself across the couch in their living room after just coming home from her night shift.

'Yes, that's what I was thinking as I left work. If I am rostered on for nights, I can guarantee you the next day, it will be a beautiful sunny day. Happens every time. I can never enjoy it because I am just so tired after my shift' Monica responded with a yawn.

'What time are you heading off for work?' she asked.

'I'll probably head off in an hour. I probably won't be back until late. The last few days, it's been so busy with lines for customers to get in during the busy times.'

'Yes, I heard that too. Although I was told that the reason for that was you' Monica said, smiling at Romina.

'Who said that? Valentino? I don't know why he would have said something like that.' Valentino was a close friend of Monica's. He was a professional chef and had branched out on his own. Romina had been able to find her new waitressing job through Monica.

'Yep. Valentino says that basically since you started working there, they've suddenly got more business than usual. He is putting it down to you joining the team.' Romina could not help but feel a sense of pride at Monica's words.

'I think he has a thing for you' Monica said coyly looking sidewards at Romina.

'Hogwash. Stop making up stories. I just got out of a relationship. I think I'm still in love with Lorenzo' Romina said with a sigh.

'Well I am just saying. I don't think I can ever recall Valentino giving me a call to ask about a chick. And he is calling more often too and you seem to come up in every conversation we have had lately' Monica said closing her eyes.

'So what has he asked about me?' Romina said, turning towards Monica. She was flattered that men, other than Lorenzo with whom she could no longer see a future with and Ronaldo, a ghost whom no one else could see, were noticing her.

The Cursed Prince of Italy - Volume 1 - The CursedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang