Chapter 12- The door to the cursed

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Romina reread the chapters of the drafting novel she had been writing. She tore the pages out of the notebook, wanting to start afresh. A new direction for her story had started forming in her mind. She closed her eyes so she could focus. She saw the story come alive in her mind. She opened her mind, sat down at the desk in her room and started writing.

'The cursed prince of Italy'

The words flowed out through her into the notebook. Romina kept writing and writing and managed to write several chapters of the book without stopping. She had spent months stuck on the book, not being able to progress it further. Now, she couldn't stop writing. Her story was focussed on Ronaldo Visconti. Romina only stopped writing when sleep beckoned her.

The next day, she continued to hear the rain as she woke up. Complaining about the weather, Monica headed out for her shift. Romina also decided to head out. She wore pants and a warm wooly top. As she stepped outside, the rain became heavier. It was hard to see. She could not see a cab to hail. Despite her umbrella, the rain drenched her. She gave up her searching for a cab. Cursing Ronaldo under her breath, Romina walked towards the castle.

It took her a long time to make it to the castle grounds in the rain. She credited her achievement to her determination and stubbornness. By the time she arrived, she was thoroughly drenched. Her clothes were heavy from the rain. She wiped the rain off her face. There were no blooming flowers or birds singing today. Instead, the castle ground was covered in mud. Some areas were even flooded. Her boots squelched and filled with water as she walked through. With a frown on her face, she made her way towards the building Ronaldo lived in.

'Ronaldo, can you please open the door. I know you can hear me. Please open it, it's raining' she said, once she made it to the door.

There was no response. Anger gripped Romina. She made fists with both hands and pounded on the door as loudly as she could. She ignored the pain coming from her hands and continued pounding on the door with force.

'You stupid arrogant arsehole. I know you are in there. Open this fucking door!' she yelled.

'He is not inside' said Gustav from behind.

'Who?' she asked, surprised. Surely he could not be speaking about Ronaldo.

'The person you are looking for. The one that frightened you' Gustav said, matter of factly. Romina realised he knew about Ronaldo.

'How do you know that?' she asked.

'That's not why you are here. If you want to see him, you have got the wrong building. He stays in the building over there' Gustav said pointing to the building she had fallen in on her first day at the castle. Romina was puzzled. She left Gustav and made her way towards the building, cursing Gustav and Ronaldo under her breath.

Unlike other times she had entered the building, Romina walked without hesitation towards the staircase. Anger made her forget her fear. On the second floor, she went looking for the iron door she had seen before. This time, she could see its outline. There was a blue hue coming from the door. As she walked closer, Romina's necklace also started giving off the same blue hue. Her mind started piercing puzzle pieces together. She reread the curse written on the door. It deflated some of her bravado. Yet, she knew she needed to muster the courage to face what lay ahead.

'Ronaldo, open the door. I know you are inside. Please open the door' Romina said as she banged on the great iron door.

For the second time, there was no response from Ronaldo.

'Fine. If you are not going to open it, then I will' she yelled defiantly.

Romina took off the necklace and examined the door again. She placed her necklace against the identical symbol on the door. She could hear the door creaking open. She placed the necklace back on her neck and ventured inside.

The room inside was dimly lit. She could see another smaller iron door with carvings on it one side of the room. On another wall, there was a great bookcase littered with books. In the middle of the room was an enormous bed. The bedspread was red, regal-like. Ronaldo was spread out on the bed. He was wearing the same pyjama pants she had last seen him in. His chest was bare.

Her mouth went dry as her eyes drank in his form. As she took a step closer, her wet boots squelched. Ronaldo did not stir. Wanting to keep the element of surprise, Romina quietly kicked off her boots and walked towards him.

'Why are you here? You said you hated me' Ronaldo's voice boomed across the room as she reached the bed.

'Of course, I fucking hate you' Romina said, wanting to show him that she also was just as angry as he was.

'Then just leave me the fuck alone!' turning on to his chest, as if he did not want to see her face.

'I am not going to leave unless you stop this fucking rain!' Romina said angrily.

'I know you hate it. But I love it. Now leave me alone!' growled Ronaldo. He baited her and Romina took the bait.

'You stupid, arrogant ghost!' Romina muttered under her breath. Her words got the reaction she wanted. Ronaldo got up and came flying towards Romina with enraged eyes. Romina held her ground despite being taken aback with surprise. He moved his face close to hers.

'I told you, I am not a stupid arrogant ghost. I am a ...' he trailed off. He did not know how he could explain to her what he was. He fell silent. Romina used his retreat as an opportunity to attack him.

'If you're not a ghost then what are you? Do you even know?' she asked, leeringly.

'I don't know what I am anymore. You're right, I don't know. Are you happy now? Did you get what you wanted? Now leave me alone. I've had enough of women like you. I've suffered enough!'

Ronaldo waved his hands to accentuate his points. He gripped his short hair as if trying to rip it off his head. He was troubled. As he moved his hands, Romina spotted his hands.

'What happened to your hands?' she asked.

'You! Did you forget how you burnt me?' he asked, agitated. Romina's heart fluttered. What had she done? She tried to grab a hold of his hands so she could examine it. He moved them away from her grasp and scowled at her.

'Why didn't you just use your powers to heal yourself? I'm sure your powers could be used that way' Romina said, in a controlled voice, hoping that it would compel him to settle.

'I tried, but I couldn't' Ronaldo said, gruffly. He avoided her gaze.

'Why not?'

'You're stronger than you were when we last met. I can no longer heal myself from what you do to me.' The thought of her being stronger than him, a warrior no less, cut him deeply. Romina could feel her mouth twitching as she saw that his ego was wounded. She tried again to defuse the tension in the room.

'C'mon just show me' she said, trying to catch his hand.

'No, I don't want to' Ronaldo said stubbornly, keeping his hands out of her grasp.

'You are acting like a child. Just show me' she said, finally managing to catch his right hand.

'Ouch, that hurts' Ronaldo winced in pain. She examined his hand. His entire hand from his fingers down to his wrist had been burnt. Blisters had started to appear. She did not want to imagine the pain he must be in. Pangs of sympathy washed over her. She held his hand gently and looked into his face.

'I'm sorry. I can't even look at it, it looks so painful. Is there anything I can do to make it better?' she said softly. Ronaldo took back his hand and sat on the bed. He looked at her intently.

'Yes you can' he said, staring at her.

'Okay, tell me what I have to do. You should have asked me earlier' Romina told him.

'You will have to go to the North Pole with me'

'The North Pole? Why? What's there at the North Pole' she asked confused.

'The northern lights. You need to kiss me willingly, under the northern lights' Ronaldo said matter of factly, causing her heart to beat faster in her chest.

The Cursed Prince of Italy - Volume 1 - The CursedWhere stories live. Discover now