Chapter 10- The meeting

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Sleep evaded Romina. She spent the night staring at Lorenzo's face in sadness. She fell into a light sleep as the first light of the new day emerged through the windows. Even then, she did not sleep for long. She woke up soon afterwards, knowing there was not much point trying to go back to sleep. Instead she got up to shower. When she came back, Lorenzo was still fast asleep.

Quietly, she rummaged through her wardrobe looking for something to wear. Her reflection in the mirror caught her eye and she stopped. She looked at herself and the necklace she was wearing. She thought about Ronaldo and almost as if he knew she was thinking of him, he appeared behind her. She watched him through the mirror. He was handsome. His physique was unmistakably male. She could see why he had had a reputation. Any woman would have been attracted to him. Desire awakened in her loins. She tried to wipe all hints of emotion from her face as he looked at her.

'Amore, where are you planning to go?' Ronaldo asked, acting like it was completely normal for a ghost to be talking to her.

'To the castle' she said, without blinking. She headed out of the bedroom not wanting to wake Lorenzo. Ronaldo followed her.

'To my castle?' he asked, blocking her from moving forward.

'You need to stop doing that' Romina said, expressing her annoyance at him.

'Doing what?'

'Appearing out of thin air. I find it unsettling.'

Ronaldo tried his best to hide his smile. Her behaviour amused him. His behaviour annoyed her. She stepped around him so she could turn on the light.

'Why are you going to the castle?' he asked again.

'To see you' Romina said.

'Well now I am here.'

'You know I can't talk to you out in the open like this. What would people think if they saw me talking to you but couldn't see you? They would think I am crazy. Gosh, sometimes I think I've gone crazy!'

Ronaldo found it difficult to hold down his laughter. He was enjoying his exchange with her. It was nice to speak to someone and Romina was so fiercely independent and stubborn and fiery. He just did not know how to behave in front of her.

The sound of the front door closing brought him back from his thoughts. She had left the apartment. 'This woman!' he thought to himself as he hurried on after her.

He caught up to her as she got inside a cab. He remained silent as she told the driver where she wanted to go.

Looking out the window of the cab, and almost as if to himself he said, 'I'm not a ghost. I said I was ghost-like but I am still alive. The curse has made me invisible to everyone but you.' Romina did not say anything. She did not want to speak to him in front of the driver.

Ronaldo sighed. 'I get it. You don't want to speak to me just in case someone thinks you are crazy. Fine, I will leave you and see you at the castle. I will be waiting for you in that room where we first met.' He disappeared from the taxi. A small smile crossed Romina's lips. She felt like she had won her first battle with him.

Shortly afterwards, the taxi drove up to the castle. Since it was the weekend, there was no one around. As she walked inside the castle grounds, she saw the flowers were blooming giving off a wonderful scent. She heard the sound of birds chirping merrily almost welcoming her back. The route to the building where Ronaldo was awaiting her was shining brightly, like a spotlight had hit it. Romina turned around in awe. It was truly a beautiful experience. She had always felt a bit spooked during her previous visits to the castle. Today, however there was no fear. 'Show off' she thought to herself, knowing this was all the work of Ronaldo Visconti. She smiled, glad that he was making an effort with her and trying to change his ways.

The Cursed Prince of Italy - Volume 1 - The CursedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt