Chapter 23- Fallen from heaven to hell

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'William Shakespeare once said,

"The course of true love, never did run smooth."

People in love often have to overcome difficulties in order to be with each other. True love always has difficulties. There will always be problems in romantic relationships.

While I was sitting next to him last night, I felt something different in him. Like he was changing. He was really trying to make things work between us. For the first time, I felt he meant every word he said. And that made me feel like I wanted to be with him. Be by his side. No matter how difficult our future will be'

Romina wrote about Ronaldo in her notebook. She felt like her heart was opening up to him. She thought that their evening together where they opened up to each other and spoke honestly was a turning point in their relationship.

She had laid across her bed, covering herself with her blankets writing in her notebook. Now, she set aside her notebook and picked up the rose that had been left on her pillow that morning. She turned around, laid her head on her pillow facing the ceiling as she nestled her nose in its soft petals and breathed it in. 'Does he really love me?' she thought to herself letting herself be immersed in thoughts of Ronaldo. She closed her eyes. As soon as she did, she felt the wetness of someone's lips upon her cheek. She opened her eyes to stare into the eyes of Ronaldo. He was shirtless... again. Romina gulped as she subconsciously gathered the blankets around her, shielding her body neck down. Staring at him and his naked torso, she felt giddy with excitement, arousal. She smiled at him.

'Are you sitting here alone, smiling, because you are thinking of me mi amore?' he asked, making her blush.

'No' she said, unwilling to stroke his ego.

'Then?' he asked, running a finger from her cheek down to her neck. Her skin came alive at his touch. Very well aware that she herself was naked underneath, Romina met his gaze without flinching.

'I like the way you sleep... it's... very sexy' he said lowering his voice.

'What are you doing in my room so early in the morning?' Romina asked in an attempt to distract herself from her racing heart.

'Mmm... I came here to give you an invitation.'

'An invitation?'

'Yes... there will be an event, a ball, at the castle tonight to mark your arrival. Bianca asked me to give this to you' he said taking out an invitation from his pocket.

'A ball?' For me? Tonight?' she repeated.

'Yes... you seem a bit worked up?' Ronaldo asked.

'Why would you not tell me about a ball that's on tonight a bit earlier? I don't even have a dress to wear! You silly man! Move!' she pushed him aside, as she covered herself with her sheets and got off the bed. Meanwhile, Ronaldo looked at her with amusement, unsure how to react to her. She seemed annoyed, but he did not understand why. He watched her walk into her en suite and shut the door loudly, confirming that she was annoyed.

'Why are you angry?' he said to the closed door. He was in one mind to go into the bathroom itself to ask her, but knew she would get angrier at him if he did.

'Ronaldo! I am a woman! We like dressing up! You don't give a woman less than 24 hours notice about a ball! I need time to get myself ready, find something to wear. You could have told me about this soiree well in advance!' she shouted through the closed door.

'Oh... is that why you are mad? I am sorry mi amore. I promise to let you know in advance next time. I could have used my magic to create a beautiful gown for you. But the problem are the only one who would be able to see it' he said swallowing down his smile while accepting her view.

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