Chapter 22- What's your biggest fear?

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Romina bent down and took off her shoes. She put her legs up intending to tuck them under hers, however Ronaldo grabbed her ankles and placed her legs on his lap. Without thinking, he started to massage her feet. Romina felt subconscious but she enjoyed his touch so made no attempt to stop him. She felt relaxed, comfortable and sensed Ronaldo felt the same.

'Ok... let's start with a simple question... What's your favourite colour?' Romina asked.

'Oh too easy. It's emerald green.'

'And my favourite is white. Now it's your turn. Ask me anything...' she said, flirtatiously lowering her eyes. Ronaldo had a serious look of concentration on his face as he thought of a question.

'Ok, I got one.... What's your favourite sex position? Mine is -'

'Stop right there!' Romina stopped Ronaldo mid sentence. Instinctively she placed one foot against his mouth to quieten him. She felt uncomfortable by his question and did not want to hear his answer.

Ronaldo bite back his laughter. He moved her foot away from his mouth. He showed her a fake scowl.

'What do you mean stop? You told me I could ask anything I wanted. This is what I want to ask... and I am more than happy to answer' he said in protest.

'Ok... fine. Go ahead and answer...' she said, giving in.

'I like the lap dance position.... It's just -'

'Nope. That's enough. I don't want to know anymore.' Romina said again, stopping Ronaldo mid sentence. Amusement radiated from Ronaldo who looked at her with mirth without uttering a further word. He liked making her embarrassed and seeing the pink blush cover her cheeks.

'So it's your turn. You need to answer now.'

'I don't know!' Romina answered indignantly. She scowled at him in an attempt to hide her uneasiness at his question. She could see why he had been a hit with the ladies. He was cheeky and filled with charm. Even she was not immune to it. 'Men don't just want sex' she said to herself trying to control her thoughts and redirect her feelings. 'Sex means nothing without love and love is what makes sex special' she thought to herself.

'You don't know? You're lying' Ronaldo said, incredulously.

'I don't know, ok! Remember, you said it yourself. Only a virgin could see you - you stupid arrogant ghost. I'm not you. I haven't slept with every fucking person I have met' she lashed out defensively. She wanted him to feel embarrassed, guilty even. Instead, Ronaldo burst out laughing annoying her even more.

'No wonder you are always angry! You need to get laid... bigtime!' he chuckled.

'Me too, actually...' he added as an afterthought. 'See, we are just made for each other, don't you think mi amore' he said winking flirtatiously at her.

'Ugh! You are so vulgar' Romina said, pressing her foot against Ronaldo's chest in false indignation.

'Maybe...' he responded cheekily.

'Now it's my turn now. What's your biggest secret?' she asked, wanting to move on to the next question. She watched him through narrowed eyes. She could see his mind ticking as he gently caressed her legs going through all the secrets in his head.

'I can't tell you that... that's a secret' he responded, lifting his eyes to meet hers. She did not say anything but continued looking at him squarely in the face. He sighed and gave up. He knew she would be relentless until he answered her truthfully.

'Ok, fine. I will tell you... It's something that happened a long time ago... No one would really even care about it now...' he said, taking Romina by surprise. She had not expected him to open up so quickly in response. She could tell he was reluctant to divulge his secret. She was curious to know what it was. In an attempt to hide the eagerness on her face, she reached over to her wine glass and took a sip.

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