Chapter 1: Black cats meowing in a moonless night

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The next sequel is finally here!

There's not much sexy time like in the previous parts, but I hope you enjoy the emotional rollercoaster this one will be ♥

New chapters will come every Sunday~


Silence. Pure and utter silence.

Kai couldn't recall ever being so quiet in all of his life. But the correct behavior inside of a museum was very different from the one he could display... let's say, at a bar, for example.

The only sounds he could hear now and then were the soft footsteps of the other attendants to the place, murmurs as they exchanged opinions about the unique art pieces, and a few occasional coughs.

Once again, Kai had lost track of time. He wasn't sure if he'd been standing in front of that same painting for ten seconds or ten minutes already, trying to grasp its "meaning". However, he wasn't going to complain.

Standing next to him, Zane studied the same image. The boy would scan every inch of every art that hung on the tall walls of the museum.

"I like this one a lot," Zane commented in a low voice. "That yellow circle over there gives the composition a delicate balance, don't you think?"

Kai stared at the painting again. Whatever Zane was interpreting there, his companion could only see geometrical shapes scattered all over the canvas with no actual purpose or meaning.

"Uh, yeah, I guess... Uh... The red sticks look... pretty. I like the color," he babbled with uncertainty.

Truth was that very much all the artworks that were on display that day looked the same to Kai. Just a bunch of shapes —colorful, yeah, but shapes in the end. Artists seemed to have turned very lazy over the last decades. Or maybe Kai just had zero knowledge about art and, therefore, lacked the ability to enjoy these so-called contemporary 'masterpieces'.

At least Zane didn't mind putting up with an uncultured idiot like him.

Zane smiled and guided his boyfriend towards the next picture, as calm and gentle as ever. Kai sighed contentedly. While he was not having the time of his life strolling down quiet halls full of arts he didn't understand, every minute spent with Zane filled his chest with joy and a sense of peace he hadn't felt in years.

Six months into their relationship, Kai was starting to sense a change in himself. A change for the better. Zane insisted he was the one undergoing a complex learning process about romance and human relationships, but Kai learned just as much from the blond. He wasn't to say he didn't struggle with his own fears and psychological scars anymore, but at least now he didn't recoil as much when he had bad days, and especially not towards his boyfriend.

Their bond strengthened every day. With every fight, they comprehended a new aspect from the person they loved the most. With every discovery came a process of research, emotional openings, and eventually, agreements and healings.

It wasn't easy, but they both did their best all the time, for deep down, they knew they were meant for each other. Even when their preferences on how to spend an afternoon together were so different.

The things we do for love, Kai thought, amused. He'd never imagined he would end up having a museum date with anybody. It just wasn't his style. Nevertheless, he wanted to do things that Zane liked too.

While Kai focused on trying to comprehend the new set of splatters on a frame, Zane walked away from him to check the next piece in line. When Kai found himself alone, he rushed to where his boyfriend was. Zane stood in front of a small canvas, covered in nothing but black paint. Kai cocked an eyebrow in astonishment while his boyfriend continued to stare.

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