Chapter 11: Chilling with the enemy

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-One week later-

Zane poured the muffin dough into the last container of the pan —dropping a good portion over the edge by mistake again.

He cursed internally. The morning wasn't starting well for him, he was anxious, and it showed in the sudden lack of refinement of his cooking skills.

His boyfriend might not be the most brilliant mind of the century, but he wasn't a fool either. Furthermore, when it came to social behavior, Kai was the smartest of the two. Zane might have been able to trick him last time because they were talking over the phone, but face-to-face Kai would see right through him and tell something was up —if he hadn't already.

Zane looked at his wristwatch after putting the muffins in the oven. Kai was still asleep, but he would wake up soon.

Zane took a series of deep breaths, surprising himself when the relaxing maneuver didn't do much to help him. Kai was going to be mad at him. Maybe he would even break up with him for real this time. Zane prayed his beau would not, but he would understand if that happened. In the end, it was he who lied and broke Kai's trust. He just hoped it wouldn't be all in vain. Zane would forever favor Kai being happy without him than allowing the boy to keep carrying these emotional wounds for the rest of his days.

The oven alarm rang just as Zane was done cleaning everything. He took out the hot muffins and put them on a plate to cool down while he worked on preparing some orange juice.

"What are you doing?"

The squeezer bounced in Zane's hands as the boy jumped startled. He turned towards the kitchen entrance and found his boyfriend watching him with a raised eyebrow.

"K-Kai! I... I..."

"We have an agreement; you don't do chores without me when you're here." Sleep was yet thick in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I... I really wanted to cook something and... You needed to rest," Zane excused himself.

Kai approached, his eyes bored holes into the other's face, partly bothered by Zane's obsession with being the perfect housewife, but unimpressed nonetheless at this point. He glanced at the plate of baked goodies and a smirk escaped from his lips.

"You're off the hook this time because these things look delicious and I'm too hungry to not appreciate the gesture."

Zane forced out a smile.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower. Are you coming?" Kai asked.

"Uh..." He stammered. If he went with Kai, Zane knew the shower wouldn't be quick at all. "I better stay here and finish the juice."

His boyfriend pouted and tapped him on the nose jokingly before walking away. Zane placed a hand on his chest and leaned on the wall, staring at the ceiling for a moment. He was certain this would be beneficial for Kai; if not now, in the long run. Despite that, he feared the boy's initial reaction could compromise the plan. Kai was very stubborn and short-tempered —like someone else Zane had the pleasure of meeting weeks ago...

The morning developed as any other lazy Sunday for the couple. They ate, lay on the couch, joked, made plans for Kai's next day off... Nothing out of the ordinary, but it was so difficult for Zane to relax.

"Seriously, babe, is something wrong? You look tense for a few days now," Kai pointed out.

Zane started to sweat. Suddenly, the collar of his shirt felt too tight around his neck.

"Is it about your job at Borg's? Another complicated project?"

Zane tried to give a vague response, afraid that if he mouthed anymore lies, he would only make things worse. Kai hopped from the sofa onto his lap, surrounding Zane's shoulders tenderly with his arms.

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