Chapter 9: The first lie

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"And he said... I'm short on wire!" Jay burst out laughing.

Across from him, on the other side of the table, Zane chuckled along — with far less decibels — enjoying the funny story about one of Jay's classmates.

"Shit, Jay, I can hear you all the way from the back store." Kai appeared next to them, carrying two steamy cups.

"Sorry, today's been a blast," the other boy apologized, clutching his stomach when it hurt from laughing so hard.

"Maybe I should bring you a calming tea instead," the waiter teased him as he placed their drinks on the table. Jay pouted and put his arms around the cup, protecting it and preventing Kai from taking it away from him. Zane smiled at their adorable exchange.

Kai chatted with them for a moment until another customer entered the shop and he had to go take their order. Before marching away, he was quick to bend down and peck his boyfriend on the forehead.

Jay continued to relay some more funny moments from his day at Borg's Industries to his friend. While Zane tried to focus on his companion's speech, his eyes wandered back to his boyfriend's figure, moving around the small cafeteria as he took care of the customers.

Almost three weeks had passed since they paid a visit to the Smith's house. Kai seemed the same as usual, but Zane couldn't forget the state his boyfriend had been in after they left that place.

On the drive back, Zane had to pull the car to the side of the road eventually, for Kai was having the worst anxiety attack he had ever witnessed. Zane guided the boy to regain control of his lungs, whispering concise and short instructions, counting down with every breath. Kai clung desperately to his boyfriend and cried so much that, in the end, they moved to the backseats so Zane could cradle him in his arms. Praying that would be a more effective way to soothe the boy.

Nya said it hadn't been Zane's fault, but he couldn't help but feel the exact opposite. It might not have been his idea to travel to Ignacia, but Zane did subtly push Kai into a situation the boy had been avoiding at all costs —and for solid reasons.

Zane still could not understand that someone like Ray existed, and on top of that, for such a man to be his boyfriend's father. Mr. Smith had been on guard since the very second he opened the door that day, and his hatred towards his son and Zane had escalated progressively the more time they spent in that house. Nevertheless, there were things Zane didn't comprehend from that awful reunion.

Ray's behavior didn't hold any logic. Someone that let out such homophobic remarks so casually couldn't have been faking in front of his wife and daughter all this time. And Zane knew for certain that Nya would have never tried to trick Kai just to make their mother happy. And then there was that last moment before Zane left the house; Ray's head hanging forward in a defeated stance. Why would a proudly homophobic man look so down upon kicking out his gay son and partner?

Nothing makes sense... Zanes' thoughts repeated over and over.

After finishing their drinks, Jay and him went to pay and say their goodbyes to the waiter.

"I need to stay until late today," Kai reminded his boyfriend that they could not hang out together that evening.

"That's alright, love," Zane responded. "I have to visit your sister to lend her some books. Do you need me to relay her any messages?"

"Uhm, no, not really."

"Very well. Then I shall go and let you work in peace."

Kai grinned and stretched over the counter to give his beau a farewell kiss. "Talk to you later, babe."

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