Chapter 2: Impossible request

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"Why not?"


"I'm sure Zane wouldn't mind driving here to help me move all my things. You said you guys would meet me at the uni anyway and show me around, so I don't think he-"

"Zane is busy. Get someone else," Kai insisted.

"I told you; my friend's car broke down and she doesn't know when it will be repaired. And the rest of them don't have a driving license, even less a car. Come on, please, do it for your little sister-"

"Find another chauffeur, Nya!" He yelled into the phone.

Silence came back from the other end of the call, but Kai knew his sister was still there. His theories were confirmed moments later when he heard the girl releasing a long sigh.

"You really like to make things difficult..." She complained. "I don't need a transport, but I was hoping I could convince you if you thought you were helping me out."

"Convince me to do what?"

"To come home," she replied, straightforwardly. Then added, "For a visit."

Kai's free hand turned into a tight fist next to his hips. "I am not stepping into that house ever again-"

"Mom misses you."

Kai swallowed, his heart aching at remembering the woman that had given him life.

"Nya, I can't... You know it," he whispered.

"Kai... I know dad has hurt you a lot and that things haven't been easy for you after the breakup, but... Life has not been a bed of roses here either. Mom does her best, but it's obvious she's sad because of the way you left, and now that I'm moving away from home too..."

Her words died on her lips, although Nya didn't need to say anything else for Kai to understand her point.

He rounded the living room sofa and plopped down on the cushioned seats. Their mother's face swam before his eyes as tears swelled up. He missed her, too. Maya might not be the most liberal parent, but at least she loved her son, no matter who he liked to bring into his bed. The woman was a very loving mother in the end.

Kai's father, on the contrary...

The boy sighed, feeling an invisible heaviness down on his shoulders all of a sudden.

"It's been two years. Two years where she's got barely any news from you besides what little you let me tell them and your sporadic calls. Don't you think it's been enough? Maybe... you could try to talk with dad and..."

Kai swiped his finger across the phone screen and ended the call before tossing the device on the coffee table in front of him. He hung his head forward, resting his face on his palms and focused on breathing before he lost his mind.


Zane worked as fast as he could without compromising the food that was being cooked in the hot pans and pots, but he couldn't lie; he wanted to be out of the kitchen as soon as possible.

Eavesdropping was not one of his habits, but given the loud voice Kai had been talking to his sister over the phone, it was inevitable that bits of the agitated conversation would reach the other human inhabitant in the house. Zane hadn't deciphered all the words, but Kai sounded angry. And as much as the boy admitted that Nya sometimes got on his nerves, Zane was close enough to his boyfriend to know that Kai would never talk to his adorable sister like that in a regular situation.

Zane was just turning off the stoves when he heard his father's voice chanting his return. He stepped out of the kitchen in time to see Kai greeting the man, then quickly excusing himself to run to the bathroom, avoiding everyone's gazes.

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