Chapter 12: A sorry won't erase the past

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Kai wasn't sure how long he had been sheltering inside the bedroom before he walked out of it, but the scent of herbs floated around the apartment. Ray was sitting on the sofa, alone, while low clinks and murmurs signaled Zane was in the kitchen yet.

Kai paused for a moment over the threshold, locking gazes with his father. He grabbed a nearby stool and placed it next to the sofa, but not too close. Taking a seat, Kai let his face rest in his hands once more with a long sigh, always keeping his eyes away from the other man.

"This isn't easy for me either, son," Ray commented.

"Just say whatever the fuck you want to say so this can be over," the other muttered back. As if Kai cared what his father's stupid struggles were!

"I would like for you to measure your words."

A surge of annoyance pulled Kai's head up. "And I would like for you to get the hell out of my house quickly. So start talking," he ordered his old man. They hadn't even crossed two sentences, and Kai already wanted to fly out of the window.

His eyes spied the figure inside the kitchen; the source of this whole mess.

Stupid Zane... Kai thought while shaking his head in resignation.

"Don't be mad at him."

The boy stared surprised at his father. "Why not? He brought you here, even though he knew I don't want to see your face."

"Well, to be fair, he didn't bring me. I came here out of my free will," the man explained. "But it is true that he played an important part in my decision."

More deadly and uncomfortable silence, minus for the soft clicking coming from the kitchen.

"Your... boyfriend came to see me last week."

"What?! Why?"

"He wanted to talk."

"Talk about what?"

"About... many things," Ray said without really answering his son's question. "He told me a bit about you two, and that you have been hiding from us some of the issues you've gone through."

Every single hair on Kai's body stood on their end.

"Don't worry, he didn't go into details. He said that was something you should reveal at your own pace, if you ever choose to do so."

Kai groaned. "Great... Just great..."

Zane came out of the kitchen at that right moment, carrying a tray. Kai shook his head again, lamenting to himself. What the hell had Zane told his father? Why would he even want to talk to that stupid man after the horrible things that had come out of his mouth? It wasn't unusual for Kai to not understand his boyfriend's thought process, but this was beyond comprehension for anyone.

The three men exchanged looks. Zane fidgeted while standing next to the sofa. "If you would prefer some privacy, I can leave."

"No, Zane, please. You don't have to," Ray told him.

Kai watched in utter astonishment as his father gestured at Zane and instructed the boy to take a seat on the free spot by his side. A suggestion that the other followed without delay.

Kai wished someone would slap him and wake him up from this nonsense dream he was having. Since when did his father address anyone with such a tame voice?!

Zane served a cup of tea for each one of them. Ray accepted it humbly, but Kai refused to take even the smallest of the sips. His stomach was all up in knots, unable to process anything, given the amount of anxiety that boiled inside of it. His eyes crossed paths with Ray a few more times. The man's silence was making him go crazy.

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