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"So, all you have to do is swing your leg over and pull yourself up- yes, like that. Now just pull yourself up."

After yesterday, Zephyr became quiet over dinner and apologised for his behaviour which didn't really truly improve this morning when he barged into the room I was residing in and demanded I got dressed. Turns out, he listened to Sienna and took me to learn how to, well, mount the Mounts. In particular, the Fauns.

It's downwards-slanted eyes bore holes into my soul as it stared at me as my short frame struggled to get onto its back. I tried to follow Zephyr's instructions and pull myself up but it just wasn't going to happen.

"For crying out loud."

A pair of rough, warm hands snuck up behind me and gripped my waist, hoisting me up onto the Fauns. Zephyr gripped my left leg as I started slipping off the side of the Mount. My heart raced and even after his hand released my hips and leg I could still feel his hand print there moments later. I grabbed hold of the closest thing which happened to be the Fauns' mane.

"Hold onto the reins instead," Zephyr instructed. "While you get used to Priel it's best if you hold onto the reins, if you're still around to get used to her then you can switch to holding her mane instead. But that's if you ever get up onto her again after this and if you're still staying with us."

I nodded, gripping onto the Fauns' mane. It was soft and smooth, not a knot in sight no matter how my ct you stroked her. Whoever brushed her mane did a great job.

"She will listen to her name if you call it, she listens to whistles to and works like any other horse, the only difference is she has antlers."

Easy enough.

Zephyr gave me a few more pointers on how to position myself on top of Priel, straighten my back, lift up my head, don't look down, straighten my legs.

"Have you ever sat on a horse?"

I rolled my eyes. "Does it look like I have?"

His lips turned downwards, looking annoyed but he didn't say anything else, just tightened the reins and stepped back into the sunlight.

Zephyrs eyes glistened in the sun, he wasn't too far away and yet I could see from where I was, sat on Priel, that his eyes had what looked like amber dust swirling around in his iris. It was faint but beautiful. His hair black hair, swept back against his scalp loosely led a few stray strands to swung out onto his face, swaying in the light wind that gathered around us. His eyebrows were sharp and cheekbones hollow. 

The black turtleneck tank top he wore hugged his skin, exposing his tanned, muscled, skin which glowed in the sun rays. His black cargo trousers hugged his muscles thighs, a thick belt hanging around his waist, the silver on it shining against the sunlight.

He came over to the Fauns and held the front of the reins, walking us in circles so I could get used to the huge animal under me which was bigger than any horse I have ever seen.

Priel seemed to not be bothered by me on her back, she seemed uncaring of the fact. If anything she seemed to be walking a little slower so I didn't sway so much on her back, like she could sense I've never been on the back of any animal before. I appreciated the Fauns a little more than I had to begin with, grateful for its kind nature. I will make sure to give her some yummy treats later on when we're finished.

"Good," Zephyr called out when I had managed to get up to a trot then a canter and he had stepped back. "Now slow her down like I showed you."

I gripped onto the reins and pulled back a little, keeping my back and legs as straight as I could so I wouldn't lose my balance. Priel did as she was asked of, slowing down to a walk and stopping just in front of Zephyr.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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