Love Can Hurt Sometimes

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TW: abuse

Jazmine sat in her car pondering on what her life has turned into. A year ago she was happy. Life was going fantastic for her, she was stepping foot in the music career, making friends. She was even in a great relationship with her boyfriend, Jameson until he changed.

Tears began filling her eyes at the thought of how everything changed in a blank of an eye. While sitting in her car dreading on going inside, she seen Jameson's headlights pulling up behind her car in the driveway. She wiped her face and blew out a deep breath. Depending on his mood will determine how this night will go.

Jameson hopped out his car and slowly approached Jazmine's window. He knocked on it getting her attention.

"Hey baby." Jazmine chimed opening her car door.

"Why are you sitting in the car?" Jameson asked inquisitively.

"Oh i'm just .. tired. Long day at work." She nervously replied. Truth be told, she was tired.. of it all.

"Well come inside. I want you to cook dinner for us tonight." He requested. "I got some things to do in my office and i'm starving."

Jazmine inwardly groaned. Didn't she just say she's tired? He been off for two days now. Why can't he do it?

"Baby i'm really tired. My client today gave me pure hell and I really just want to shower and call it a night."

He gave her a glare for a few seconds and began to slowly make his way for the front door. Jazmine walked behind him at a slow pace as well before locking her car door. She knows he isn't going to take no for a answer. It's his way or the high way.

Jameson unlocked the door and stepped out of the way for Jazmine to go first. As she passed him, he kept his eyes glued to her face. He held an unreadable expression on his face. She couldn't tell how he was feeling in this moment but she let it go. With her back turned towards him, she stopped to put her car keys in the basket on the foyer table and set her purse down.

Jameson walked up behind her and moved her hair around to her left shoulder softly and slowly. Jazmine felt her whole body stiffen as the hairs on her neck stood up. He moved his hand from the back of her neck to the front of it at a soft and slow pace. He gently closed his fingers around the front of her neck then roughly yanked her into him with a tight grip on it. He began to choke her.

Putting his mouth up to her ear he started to speak. " I'm going to go into my office for a few hours and handle my business. Then i'm going to take a shower and by the time i'm done.." Jazmine was struggling to breathe but she knew better than to fight him off. "Dinner better be done. You hear me?" She nodded her head.

Jameson then kissed her earlobe softly before peppering her face in kisses. He gave her one last kiss on the back of her head and roughly released her with a push. He headed upstairs to his office.

Jazmine took in a deep breath after feeling like she was damn near about to pass out. Her vision had gotten blurry from the tears that wouldn't stop pooling from her eyes. She held her tender throat as she leaned on the wall still crying. She then slid down the wall putting her knees to her chest and silently cried to herself. She hated this for her. She didn't deserve that. She knows he loves her, he just has anger issues and needs counseling. Right?

She finally pulled herself together after a few minutes of breaking down. Jazmine got up and made her way to the kitchen. She looked through the refrigerator finding something she could make for them. God knows she was so tired and defeated. Her body ached and her eyes felt heavy from sleep deprivation. Her throat was also in a good amount of pain. She hasn't even checked to see if it had bruised up or not.

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