Losing Patience

255 14 4

TW: abuse; DV

Jazmine woke up from the bright rays of sunshine beaming on her face. She sat up and looked around the room. Empty. She looked to Jameel's side of the bed and found a note that he left.

Dear Jazmine,

I had to go into work this morning. I don't expect you to be there when I get back but if you do decide to stay then i'd be more than happy but if you have to go, I enjoyed your company and I hope to see you soon.

p.s I texted your phone just in case you didn't see this note.

Jazmine blushed at the note before getting out of the bed. She went inside his bathroom and brushed her teeth. She knew she couldn't stay because she didn't have any extra clothes plus she has to work today. She remembered him washing the outfit she had on the previous day but checking the time, she didn't have enough to hunt the clothes down. Leaving it here would give her another excuse to come back over anyways.

After she finished in the bathroom, she gathered up all her belongings and left his apartment. She didn't want to face her boyfriend today but she had no other choice. MaKenna was expecting her to be at work today and in order to go, she had to get ready for it at her own home.

She got in her car and took the long way home. While en route, she called her friend to fill her in on everything and to let her know it's a possibility that she'd be late. Jazmine finally pulled into her driveway. She immediately noticed that Jameson's car was gone. She didn't keep up with his work schedule so she assumed that's where he was.

She got out and made her way to the front door. She needed to wash last night off of her because she was drenched in the sweet aroma of another man. Knowing Jameson, he could pull up in the driveway in any minute. She quickly undressed herself, burying her laundry deep down in the laundry basket so the scent wouldn't be so noticeable. Jameel wore strong cologne and that mixed with his own home scent was a powerful smell.

She quickly took a shower and prepared herself for work. She put her lengthy, bushy hair in a tight mid ponytail and ran a small amount of water through it to tame the volume of her hair. She didn't feel like dressing up today so she put on a white tank top with black biker shorts. She added a grey zip up jacket to go over the tank top and her black Yeezy slides. The weather outside was perfect for this outfit.

After she was satisfied with her look. She went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack before going in. As she was searching through the snack cabinet, she heard a car door close from outside. Quickly thinking it came from the neighbors, she paid it no mind. Last night was too busy repeating itself in her head that she forgot about Jameson and him possibly coming back. Grabbing a water bottle and a healthy snack, she went to gather her purse and keys.

As she was just about to place her hand on the door knob, she heard keys dangling and watched the door knob shift as it was being unlocked from the outside. She froze. She needed some excuse to avoid this conversation that was waiting to happen. "Think Jazmine think!" She whispered to herself. She watched as the door opened and there appeared her boyfriend. They locked eyes and she watched as his facial expression changed from blank to confusion.

"Hey.. I was just on my way to work." Jazmine said softly. She held a look of innocence on her face.

"Yea.. Call McKenna and tell her you gone be late." Jameson replied seriously.

"Oh that won't be necessary. I only got like 4 clients today so I should be home by-" She started to ramble as she was heading the door but he hopped in front of her before she could reach it.

He closed the door shut using his foot then started to slowly started moving towards Jazmine. As he took steps forwards, she took steps back. They kept this going until her back was against the wall. Instead of ambushing her, he gave her a little distance before speaking again.

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