No Time To Think

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Jazmine felt her heart sink in as she stood in complete fear. Her breathing rapidly increased as the palms of her jittery hands began to feel moist-like.

"Calm yourself." Jameson chuckled as he pulled her closer to him. "Take a deep breath."

Jazmine stared into his face, unable to make even the slightest sound. The sweet aroma of his cologne filled the small space in between them. She listened out for any noise that indicated a sign of someone being near but the only thing she could hear was the sound of own heart beat and the rambling voices in her head.

"Damn baby. You're shaking in your shoes. What are you so afraid of?" He smirked.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I've missed you." Jameson spoke out releasing the firm grip on her arm.

Jazmine stared at him and then glanced down at her keys. She looked back at her ex as her thumb slightly slid across the unlock button on her keys. Jameson stared back at her, but watching her every other move from his peripheral vision. He moved his hand to the side of his hip, resting it on an object.

Hearing the sound of her car door being unlocked, Jazmine sprinted a few steps to her car before hearing the sound of a gun being cocked back behind her. She froze at door, seeing his reflection in the window as he pointed the gun at her.

"What are you so in a rush for?" She heard him chuckle behind her.

Jazmine hand was resting on the door handle until she removed it to slowly turn around.

"Jameson what's gotten into you?" She questioned so low almost to a whisper.



"My dad always told me to keep my bitch tamed and I gotta do what I gotta do." Jameson answered, still pointing the loaded gun at Jazmine.

"We're done though Jameson.. I don't want to be with you anymore." Jazmine spoke out as her legs began to feel weak and her eyes watered.

Jameson felt a pinch of anger rise inside him after hearing her words. "Did I say that we were done?" He walked up on her until the gun and her temple met. "Hm?"

"No.." Jazmine felt two warm droplets run down her face.

"Right.. didn't I tell you what would happen if you ever tried to leave me?" He pushed her head with the loaded gun.

Jazmine slowly nodded her head as her tears streamed down her face.

"I can't fucking hear you!"

"You did Jameson!"

"Exactly. Was that your lil' boy toy I seen you with at the grocery store?"

"No. He's just a friend of me and MK." Jazmine lied.

"Oh really?" Jameson responded unconvinced. "How long yall been friends with him?"

"It's been a minute. We barely even talk to-"Before she could finish her sentence, Jazmine felt a stinging, forceful sensation of on her cheek. He slapped her.

"Do you think i'm fucking dumb?"

Jazmine held her hand on her burning cheek as she slowly turned her head back to him, shaking her head no.

"You know what Jazmine.. Let's play a game." Jameson smirked. "Walk with me."

Jameson put the gun back in his holster worn on the side of him and quickly snatched Jazmine's arm. The two walked only one level down before reaching Jameson's vehicle. He opened the back door, forcing her inside and climbing back there with her. Reaching in the center console, Jameson pulled out a revolver. He emptied out five bullets, leaving only one. Jazmine watched as he did this. Once he pulled out this gun, she already knew what was about to happen. Her heart beat once again increased so fast, she felt like she could have a heart attack in any minute.

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