Everybody Needs Somebody

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*Out of respect for Jazmine and the loss of her mother, I wont dive deep into anything that involves her mother in this book.*

A week had passed since Jazmine vented to Jameel. She felt like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Like she could finally start a healing process now that she's gotten all that off her chest. Just as Jameel said, he'd be right beside her through it all and he was true to his word.
Whenever she felt overwhelmed and emotional, she'd call and he'd come.

Jazmine still hadn't called her mother just yet. Jameel didn't pressure her to do anything she wasn't ready to do though. He knew she'd come around eventually.

Jazmine sat in her room listening to instrumental music through her headphones with her song book and pen right in front of her. Jameel bought her the book the day after she stayed over like he said he would and she's been jotting down lyrics since she got it.

"Knock knock." Makenna said from the other side of the door.

Jazmine didn't hear her knocking because the music in her ears were too loud. Makenna knocked again and when she didn't get a response, she walked in the room.

Jazmine had her back turned towards the door so she didn't see her friend come in. Makenna tapped her on the shoulder, startling Jazmine.

"My God, you scared the shit out of me!" Jazmine yelled holding her chest then taking the headphones out her ear.

"I knocked but you wasn't responding to me."

"I had my headphones in. My bad."

Makenna looked over Jazmine's shoulder and into her lap. "What's this?"

"It's nothing." Jazmine quickly closed the song book.

"Is that a diary? Aren't you too old for a diary?" Makenna teased.

"First of all, no it's not a diary. Second, nobody is ever too old for a diary. It's like a coping mechanism for most people."

"Yeah I guess. Anyways, guess who booked me for as their hairstylist for their one month tour?!"

"Who?" Jazmine replied intriguingly.

"Alicia Keyes!" Makenna shouted excitedly!

"Oh my God! This is a big opportunity for you! I'm so happy!" Jazmine cheered pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you! I'm so excited!"

"But the tour isn't a month.. it's like three. Why did she say only a month?"

"She wanted to give other hairstylists the same opportunity but I get the first month of her tour."

"Okay this is so amazing! When do you leave?"

"I leave tonight. The first concert is in LA and that's in three days." Makenna frowned. "You don't want to come?"

"Who is going to run your shop while you're gone?" Jazmine questioned.

"Oh shit! I never even thought about that! Damnit!" Makenna shouted frustrated.

"Calm down friend. I got you." Jazmine put her hands on Makenna's shoulder to calm her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes just write down the instructions on how you open, the numbers of your other employees, and leave the keys. I will take it from there."

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for this. I owe you big time!" Makenna pulled Jazmine into a hug. "I have to go pack now."

Makenna left out of Jazmine's room to prepare for her flight tonight. Jazmine put her headphones and her song book away in her drawer. She decided to call Jameel and check up on him. She put the phone to her ear waiting for it to ring.

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