Silver Lining

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Jazmine laid across the bed staring at the the white wall as the liquor began to kick in. While she laid there, Jameel crossed her mind. Jazmine sat up looking for her phone to make a call.

She felt around the bed in slow motion because that's how fast her body allowed her to move around. She looked around the room with a frown on her face because it wasn't on the bed. When she spotted it, she dragged herself to her phone and unlocked it.

Jazmine searched for the contact she was looking for and it didn't take long to find it. Jazmine hit the call button and put the phone up to her ear as she waited for someone to answer.

"You calling to come back home?" Jameson said once he answered the call.

"Home?" She chuckled. "Jameson why do you have Jameel's phone?"

"Jameel? Who the fuck is Jameel Jazmine?" He asked with frustration.

Jazmine removed the phone from her ear to look at the contact. She clicked on the wrong one.

"Oh shit I am so sorry. I was trying to call Jameel." Jazmine laughed loudly which pissed her ex off even more.

"What you calling Jameel for?!"

"Because I want to fuck him Jameson. I have to go."

"Wait hold on.. Jazmine are you drunk?" He questioned.

"Oh yeah. The liquor is definitely giving me a run for my money and i'm so horny so byeee!" Jazmine expressed before hanging up the phone.

She roamed through her contacts until she found Jameel's name. She called his phone and waited for it to ring.

"Hello?" Jameel answered.

"Hey where are you?" Jazmine slurred.

"I'm out right now. You straight?"

"Out where?"

"Out with a few friends." Jameel replied.

"Female or male friends?"

"A mixture."

"Oh." Jazmine replied with a slight attitude. "You wanna come over?"

"What's up with you? You sound so under the influence." Jameel questioned curiously.

"I am.. and I want you to slut me out Jameel." Jazmine got irritated.

Jameel laughed at her response. "Jazmine I will not do so."

"Why not?" She frowned.

"One, you're drunk. Two, you're in a relationship. Three, i'm out right now."

"Jameel please! I'm so horny right now and your playing with me!" Jazmine pouted.

"Jazmine no. How about you call me tomorrow when you sober up?"

Jazmine hung up in his face. "I hate men." She said to herself before putting her phone down and crawling in bed.

Jazmine woke up the next morning to loud music and the smell of cleaning products. She rolled her eyes at MaKenna and her old soul. Jazmine head ached from the intense pounding of her hangover. She got up and went to the bathroom and completed her morning hygiene routine before going into the living room.

"Damn are you using the whole bottle of cleaning products?" Jazmine questioned covering her nose and mouth from the strong smell.

"Yeah.. I might've overdid it. Especially with the bleach." MaKenna coughed a little. "I'll open a window or two."

MaKenna went to go open her windows and came back to Jazmine sitting on the couch with her head in her hands.

"Too much alcohol last night?"

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