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I woke to my alarm blaring in my ears, my phone lighting up my dark room

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I woke to my alarm blaring in my ears, my phone lighting up my dark room. I just lay there for a moment until my mom walked into the room.

"Are you up?" She asked peeking into my room.

"Sort of." I mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

My mom had made me wake up early in the morning on a Saturday to go to a concert. Apparently she had heard of this band and thought I would like it so she bought us tickets to go.

"Okay, just make sure to get ready in a few minutes." She says once more before walking out the door, closing it behind her.

I lay there for a few more minutes before I jump out of bed and walk into my bathroom. I take a shower as well as brushing my teeth and hair. I do my make up, putting on a light amount of eyeliner and some mascara. And then go into my room and throw on my usual clothes.

I honestly didn't care what people thought of me anymore

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I honestly didn't care what people thought of me anymore. I used to be so insecure about what I wore but now I could care less. But I was kind of scared of being judged at this concert. I didn't know anything about the band.

I unplugged my ipod from the side of my bed and went downstairs to be met with my mom in the kitchen.

"I hope you're excited for this concert. I really think you'll like them." my mom smiled hopefully.

"Where did you find this band anyways?" I asked sitting down on top of the counter in front of her.

"When I was looking for some CDs at the music store The cashier told me about the band. That's how I found out about them and that they were performing here." She explained as she pulled out leftovers from the night before.

"Oh, okay." I got lost in my thoughts as I doubted this concert. Once we are done eating, it was time to go.

It was only about a twenty minute drive till we made it to the small building. It was definitely a small venue. I wondered how long I'd last in there with all those people.

"The concert doesn't start for another hour. I guess we'll have to wait. I don't think anyone's here yet." my mom mumbled almost to herself.

"Oh, do you know if they have bathrooms here?" I asked. I didn't actually have to go. I'm just always paranoid about my appearance even though I pretend I don't care.

"I'm pretty sure it's on the side of the building. I'll wait here so we don't get lost." She explained sitting on a bench nearby. I moved around the building, looking around for any signs. I didn't find anything.

Then I saw a guy sitting against the building, smoking a cigarette. Maybe he knows where it is?

"Hey! You!" I yelled out, catching his attention. I must've startled him as he accidentally dropped his cigarette on the ground.

He had similar style to me, and was honestly pretty attractive. She must like this band.

"Oh no. Here they come." He mumbled to himself, picking up the cigarette and relighting it trying to walk away.

"Hello? are you just gonna ignore me?" I continued following behind him. He let out a loud sigh giving up in turning around the face me.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, slight annoyance in his voice.

"I just want to know if you knew where the bathroom was. This is my first time being at this venue so I don't know where anything is." I explained, checking my phone for the time. He gave me a slight confused expression, but dropped it, pointing to the left of the building.

"The first door on the left." he muttered as smoke came out of his mouth.

"Thank you, uhh..."

"Tom." he gave me a confused expression as he said his name. What was with this man in his confusion?

"Thank you, Tom." I smiled. But before I left, I couldn't help but stare into his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah..." I couldn't help catch, his eyes, trailing down my face into my lips. He played with the piercing on his bottom lip before looking away and inhaling more smoke.

I quickly walked away before it became awkward and found the bathroom.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝. ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now