talk to me [1]

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[2nd person pov]

    It was a Monday morning. You were sitting at your desk waiting for class to begin. The class was dead silent as it was only you and two other students in there. You were all the quiet ones except you were the actual quiet one. You were a mute. It can't really be explained except for the fact that you simply chose not to speak unless you got along well with people and school people you did not get along with. It was selective mutism. Everyone at school already knew, even your teachers. Which is why no one bothered to speak to you. Plus, your grades were perfect so it didn't really matter.

    As you were sitting at your desk getting your materials out you feel someone sit next to you. You didn't care who it was because you weren't planning on talking to the person either ways. You put your earphones in and then your head down as a way to show whoever sat next to you that you didn't wanna be bothered. However, it didn't work. About four minutes later you felt a tap on your arm.

"psst, hey you"

    You slowly put your head up and turned to see a guy dressed like a hip hop rapper next to you. He was handsome, his lip piercing added to his look. But it wasn't like you could respond with a hi, you were a mute after all. All you could do was smile and that's exactly what you did.

"my name is tom, what's yours?" he asked smiling back at you.

    You pulled out your notebook and began writing on it, hoping he wouldn't just leave like the others did. Tom seemed nice, you thought maybe he could become your friend. Someone who wouldn't care if you were a mute. Someone who would stay.

    Before you could show him what you wrote on your notebook a girl walked into the classroom. She was tall, skinny, and she was really pretty. You looked at Tom and he was staring at her. That's when you knew you had lost his attention. You didn't care all that much. You did expect him to leave after all.

"she's mute." you heard the pretty girl say.

"huh?" tom said with a confused look on his face.

"she's not gonna speak to you, the only people Lea speaks to are her family. she's a freaky mime." explained the girl.

    There it was, the word mime. Everyone called you that. It was a nickname given to you by Mia Miller in the 3rd grade. Mia was a mean girl. You didn't recognize her only because she had changed so much since the last time you saw her which was your first year of high school. Mia had moved after that year but now she's back and in your math class.

"So that's your name huh, Lea." Tom ignored Mia and gave his attention back to you.

    You nodded to him and looked down, although you were surprised he was still next to you after finding out you were a mute; you now felt uncomfortable but only because Mia was there. Mia hated you and she'd do anything to make sure you were miserable.

"well, nice meeting you Lea." said Tom getting up and making his way towards Mia.

    The two left the classroom together and once again it was just you and the two other students. The bell rung and more students arrived. Then, Mia and Tom showed up together. But Tom didn't sit next to you this time, he sat next to Mia.  What a surprise, you thought to yourself. Of course you were being sarcastic.

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