talk to me [2]

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[Lea pov]

"God what time is it?" I asked myself while yawning.

It was now 11pm, and from the looks of it I took an 8 hour nap. Great, now I won't be able to sleep. Might as well keep myself up with some snacks. My brothers friends should be gone by now, it's kind of late.

I got out of bed and made my way downstairs, the house seemed empty so I walked into the kitchen and put on some music. My favorite song at the moment was Twisted Transistor by Korn. I set my phone down and began cutting up some mango. Mango was my favorite!

"Ugh who's blasting Korn this late at night?"

"Some nursery rhymes would be nice right now."

"Bill I'm 99% sure you're the only 17 year old who likes nursery rhymes."

Uhhhm, who were all these sleepy sounding people and why were they in my house? Wait, Bill. Why is Bill here. No, could it be that my brothers friends were in the living room?

I put the knife I was holding down and slowly made my way towards the living room which was where the voices were coming from. I stood next the the light switch and turned it on.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed.

There were two shirtless boys, in my living room. Georg was so gonna be dead because of this.


"AHHHHHH" I screamed again because I felt someone grab my shoulders from behind.

    I quickly turned around and there was Tom. He also had no shirt on. WHY WERE THEY ALL SHIRTLESS? This is so embarrassing especially for me. I'll admit though, Tom looked good. I couldn't stop staring at him.

"She can speak! Well maybe not speak but scream!" Bill said while putting his shirt on.

"Yeah and she can totally stare, are ya done yet Lea?" Tom chuckled.

    Embarrassed, I turned back to face the living room. Now Bill and Gustav were both dressed from head to toe. Thank god, I don't think I can take any more embarrassment for tonight.

   Where was Georg? I didn't wanna speak to these guys, sure they seemed nice but speaking was a hassle. I only speak to my brother, that's it.

"Georg is out by the way, he asked us to tell you. He'll be back in about 2 weeks." Gustav the one who looked the most shy explained to me.

   He's stupid. GEORG IS STUPID. Why would he leave me here alone for two weeks, WITH HIS FRIENDS?

"So Lea, wanna rethink what we asked you earlier?" Bill asked flashing me the biggest smile.

    These guys were so nice. I couldn't hate them, at least not Bill and Gustav. Tom on the other hand, he hasn't really spoken to me so I wasn't gonna be quick to judge him. He seemed nice earlier but who knows , he does hang out with Mia after all.

"What'd you ask her?" asked Tom.

"We asked her to be our new bass player you know since Georg is leaving us." said Gustav.

"She can play? Is that why we moved here? To convince the mime to join us?" Tom laughed.

    Him too? He's new and he's already calling me a mime? I take back what I said. He's a jerk. Maybe speaking to Gustav and Bill wouldn't be bad but Tom, I don't think he deserves to speak to me.

    I signaled Bill and Gustav to follow me. We walked into the music room Georg and I had in the house and I shut the door.

"Hi." I said.

"SHE SPOKE TO US GUSTAV DID YOU SEE THAT?" exclaimed Bill with a smile on his face.

    Bill had the cutest smile I had ever seen. I'm sure I won't regret speaking to him.

"Hi Lea, so you're speaking to us. I feel special now." said Gustav.

"You two seem nice and it seems like you're not going anywhere anytime soon so might as well." I explained to him.

"What about Tom?" asked Bill looking out the small window that revealed the living room.

"He seems like a douche. I'm not speaking to him." I said, hoping they'd understand. He did just call me a mime after all.

    Both Bill and Gustav laughed and nodded their heads agreeing with me.

"It's getting pretty late, I say we all head to sleep." said Gustav lightly pushing us out of the room.

    Once we were all back in the living room we saw Tom eating the snack I had been making for myself. He even looked good while eating but, I certainly cannot have a crush on him. I've never let my feelings get to me and I wasn't gonna let them get to me now. Especially not because of this jerk.

"You know we're in Lea's house and that's Lea's snack you're eating?" said Bill as he threw himself on the inflatable bed that was set up in the living room.

    Tom said nothing and continued doing what he was doing. I wasn't gonna get mad over a snack I abandoned so I smiled to both Bill and Gustav and made my way back into my room where my bed was waiting for me. It was now 12:37am and I was getting kind of sleepy again so I closed my eyes and waited for morning to come.


[2nd person pov]

It was now morning, yesterday was one of the longest days you've ever had. Too much happened in one day and now you were super tired. Even after that big nap you had taken after school.

You were gonna get up for school but not yet. First you were gonna get comfortable and wait a few minutes until your second alarm rang. You rolled over so that you were now facing your window instead of your door and you were met with the face of Tom Kaulitz.

At that very moment all you could do was stare, not because he was attractive but because you were in shock and had no idea what to do. You decided that you were gonna get off, quickly but quietly. You almost made your way off the bed when he spoke.

"Don't get too excited miss mime, this means nothing. I was simply too tired to sleep on the inflatable mattress and Georg's room was locked so I had no other choice."

    Before you could even get off the bed Tom got up first and left. All you did was sit there in shock. You had just met him, even if he was uncomfortable, why on earth would he sleep with you?

    It was too early for you to be dealing with him. You got up after he left and began to get ready. Once you were done which was in about 40 minutes, you walked downstairs to grab a quick snack before school.

    On your way down you heard some laughing. Curious, you walked into the kitchen and saw Mia standing there laughing with Tom, Bill, and Gustav.

"Oh, hi Lea." she said smiling at you.


another boring chapter 🥳🥳🥳 idk what to write.....

talk to me [tom kaulitz]Where stories live. Discover now