talk to me [10]

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[lea pov]

A few weeks have passed since the whole incident. I feel a lot better though, mostly because everyone has been so kind. Maybe even a little too kind.

    As for Tom and I, we've been talking here and there. Ever since the night he stayed with me, we've been cool. I'd even call us friends now. We aren't very close but I don't hate him as much anymore.

    "Lea wanna go shopping? I heard they're having a sale at my favorite store and I need new clothes," Bill dramatically threw himself on the couch. "If I don't buy a new clothing item I WILL die"

    I laughed, "Okay, let's go."

    Bill jumped up from the couch and speed walked towards the car keys but I ran in front before he could grab them.

    "I don't wanna die today Bill." I grabbed the keys.

    Bill glared at me, "One day I will be the better driver." he said as he slowly walked out the door.

    I followed behind him and we made our way to the mall. The mall was a scary place, every time I go there's always someone I know and if you aren't hanging out, then talking to people in a public space is such a hassle.

    "So remember when we moved here?" Bill asked turning to look at me.

  "Mhm." I responded.

"Well it was because we wanted you to fill in for Georg, we never did the school thing but we practiced together," he sighed. "and we sound really good together so can you think about it?"

I had forgotten about this whole band thing. To be honest it wasn't really me, I didn't like being the center of attention but maybe this would be a good thing so why not try it out. What's the worst that could happen?

"I'll do it, BUT this doesn't mean I'll be a permanent member." I responded.

"WOOO OKAY YOU WONT REGRET IT, I PROMISE." Bill side hugged me excitedly. He was a little too excited because he was squeezing me hard and driving with one hand was difficult.

"BILL IM DRIVING AND I DON'T WANNA DIE RIGHT NOW." I said trying to focus on the road.

Bill let go and laughed evilly, "Muahaha who's the bad driver now huh? I could drive with my eyes closed." he covered his eyes and stuck his tongue out, making fun of me.

I playfully slapped his arm and we both laughed the rest of the way.

It took us a couple of minutes to get there but once we finally did we were excited and we were going to shop til we dropped! I mean who doesn't like clothes?

Once I parked Bill instantly got out of the car, he looked like Georg running to the electronics store on black fridays. I followed behind Bill and we very quickly arrived at the store he was talking about.

We went our separate ways and looked on our own. The store actually had good stuff and I got a few new shirts and one pair of jeans because jeans can be expensive and I'm definitely not rich.

talk to me [tom kaulitz]Where stories live. Discover now